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Latest Nightly Build


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I'll post here and edit the latest nightly builds for the upcomming version 0.41

Since these are nightly builds some of the features may not work or are disabled.

These builds may not be as stable as the 0.4 Beta.

I'm only doing this to show you that the development hasn't stopped ;).

please do not post bug reports for nightly builds - thank you

Build 282 - Download: http://home.cogeco.ca/~rklauncher/RK_Launc...eta_Nightly.zip

what's new in version 0.41 Beta:

- all files are built with Visual Studio 2005

- switched from MFC to WTL/ATL


- fixed several OD docklets bugs

- added restore windows support

- added minimize position, new applications position settings

- fixed RK Launcher accessing the HDD every second

- added minimized window menus

- fixed OD docklets sometimes crashing on removing

- fixed draging files onto items when dock locked

- added language support (language files in the 'lang' directory)

- added show minimized window icon option

- added Menu tab in Settings

- added "Show in Explorer" option for folders (click+Hold)

- added some more options to the folder view

- smooth item move

- updated Position settings

- fixed shortcuts for Office, WLM, etc...

- added Alt+Tab support for restoring minimized windows

- all "conf" files are now Unicode UTF-16 LE

Only features enumerated here work in the latest release.

This release adds the first version of ObjectDock docklets support that may contain a lot of bugs.

I will open a new thread in the future for bug reports when I fix most of them.

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when getting a new build and you want to keep your settings you can keep the

itemlist.conf file and the RKLauncher.conf file with the folowing note:

- look here for the new additions to the file (marked in red)





langResource = rkl_english.lang


magnifySize = 92

smallSize = 48

itemDistance = 0

magnification = 1

backgroundAlpha = 150

itemsMagnify = 7

# removed: position = 4

theme = Default

hideIndicators = 0

hidePoofs = 0


position = 4

positionMargin = 0

multiMonitorSupport = 0


alwaysOnTop = 0

locked = 0

automaticHide = 0

saveOnExit = 1

saveOnChange = 1

saveItems = 1

itemAnimation = 0

itemAnimationCount = 5

itemAnimationNew = 1

minimizeToDock = 1

useMinMaxEffect = 0

minMaxEffect = RKScaleEffect/RKScaleEffect.dll

minimizePosition = -2

newApplications = 0

newIconsPosition = -4

hideTaskbar = 0

useMarginHotspot = 1

hotspotDelay = 250

hotspotFullMargin = 1

neverTakeFocus = 0

showMinimizedWndIcon = 1

startWithWindows = 0

swwRegistry = 1

swwUser = 0


showInExplorer = 1

showInExplorerLabel = Show in Explorer

hideFileExtension = 1

onlyRegistered = 0

showSettingsAllItems = 0


font = Tahoma

fontSize = 12

bold = 1

italic = 0

colorLabel = 16777215

colorEdge = 0

colorShadow = 0

alphaLabel = 255

alphaEdge = 225

alphaShadow = 205

hideLabel = 0

fadeLabel = 0


Note: make sure you have all the fields enumerated here, otherwise some options my not work

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