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Everything posted by d-lab

  1. Hi to all. One day, surfing, I have see a green icon set. now I c an find it. someone can help me. I need a lot of green icons. thx
  2. nice!! i hope you relase it soon
  3. This is my. Sry no preview. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/50109918/
  4. My first minimal. Sry no preview. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/49591267/
  5. Very nice shot TF. What do you use as player??
  6. Last black http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/48686960/
  7. Wow, super fast. Congrats.
  8. the NET ico have a varius prospective because It would have been a lot big. So, if I can I'll change it. However, thx for comment. Travelfox, I suppose, will realize icns version. He has asked to me. //Posts Merged. -NC
  9. Thx. Sure, but I need a lot fo time.
  10. Carbon Looo HD set. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/48460733/
  11. A preview of my new set. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47895374/ Very soon !!
  12. d-lab

    Qure VS

    There is a VS version of Qure Guikit ??? I know that a WB exist but I don't use WB; Thx to who help me!
  13. Thx Sonic. You are a good guy too. Your art don't need same thinks !!!
  14. I have say to him the same. But not why I'm a bigot but why I don't find a reason.
  15. Sry no preview. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/46844611/
  16. Thx so much bro. I love this thema. Thx for your work.
  17. Great work man, please don't forget me. he, he, he K750i.
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