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Everything posted by d-lab

  1. Ok. Thx to all. And how can use to create a theme??
  2. Thx Inplode for your fast reply. I have read something about Skin Studio but, I don't know if I have understand, it can convert only VS to WindowsBlind. Convert MacTheme to VS software is good altrought. I want convert some theme to VS.
  3. Hi to all, I have a question. I have search on aqua-soft and on google too, but I haven't find nothing about. The question is: how I can convert a WB skin in a VS theme?? There is a software to do it?? Thx.
  4. Thx Travelfox. Great job. You are a good person.
  5. Thisn't milk icon set. The name is snow E by http://www.rad-e8.com/. If you don't find it give me a mail and I'll send to you.
  6. Nothing. Link don't works. If someone have them can send me at d-lab@tiscali.it ?? Thx
  7. I can't find it. Someone have a link?? Thx.
  8. Hi Lox, my friend, great shot your. All nice as beautiful girl on wall. Slurp!!!
  9. Great job bro. I have download the set. It's awensome whit more icons. Congrats.
  10. I have seach it but I can't find it. I have find only macosx theme. Can you post a link or send me at d-lab@tiscali.it. thx.
  11. My shot Sry, no preview. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/42917380/ Super desk bro. Where I can find your supercool theme?? //Posts Merged. Don't double post. -NC
  12. The link explane how hack but there aren't a list of dll. How I know what are the dll name??
  13. Hi to all. Can someone give me a list of dll that I need hack to change tray icons?? Thx.
  14. Very cool. Plese relase them soon.
  15. Try this link. Is Italian (like me) but is more efficient. http://www.hwupgrade.it/forum/showthread.php?t=912435
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