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Posts posted by olinboy

  1. Originally posted by XJOSHATTACKX@Mar 31 2004, 04:53 AM

    YTou actually think you're the first people to do this?!?!?! HELL NO! Did you get permission from Microsoft to use their MSN guy. No! Infact you're the ones who are ripping someones work so please no arguing.

    Wasnt there an app made to make these exact icons. You cannot put a copyright on a concept and to something that wasnt yours to being with.

    Jeebus guys! If you're really that serious about it I hope you can forgive the stepping on of toes.


    PS thanks for your words Josh.

  2. Originally posted by Keith@Mar 30 2004, 03:03 AM

    You can't mod those or use them on any site other then TRD...read, foo' ;)

    Hmm... Isn't that exactly what I'm doing? Bummer.


    :staffs here:

  3. Originally posted by Lou@Mar 27 2004, 04:28 PM

    It was "Star Wars: Avatar Pack I".  Who said he wasn't coming in the next one?

    Read the TRD Star Wars Avatar thread, and you will see what is coming!


    Damn Lou! I'm glad I found all this before you released O.G. OB to the world! I admit I used the young OB avatar and applied the "age" and "hood" filter on him. I was gonna make fun of everyone for jumping on the TRD bandwagon but hey!


    (the original)


  4. Ok picture this...

    You're me. You have say, 3114 Mp3's on your computer and youre listening

    to the "library" list (contains all files). You think to yourself

    "Man this Smashing Pumpkins song is great! I wish I could have iTunes

    select this other song it reminds me of next in the order!"

    If I could magically right click on the new song I want to QUEUE up next and tell

    iTunes to make sure and play that one after the currently playing tune is done with...

    It would be lovely. Even maybe have multiple queued up next in order!!


  5. I've been an iTunes convert for a while now and I now that I've skinned the titlebar It's almost perfect. The one feature that I would love to have is a Queue (cue) next track(s) for successive play. I'm sure you get what I mean, lots of other players have this feature and I think it would be a great addition! :smartass:


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