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Posts posted by f000by

  1. The new version's working awesome for me!

    I've noticed that the transparency slider for minimized windows seems to be backwards. That is, if I drag the slider so the window should be more opaque, it instead becomes more transparent. Likewise, if I drag it to the transparent side, it becomes more opaque.

    The transparency sliders for the selected window and normal window are working perfect though.

  2. The newest version seems to have resolved the standby / hibernation errors, which is great news!

    However, for all versions after version 19b (20, 23 and 24) the exposing of windows is very noticeably jittery on my machine. Up to version 19b everything has been running very smoothly. I'm using a Nvidia 6600 GT with in Direct X mode.

    Thanks again for all the updates!

  3. The new version works great with RK Launcher and AveDesk. Thanks for the update!

    As for the window captions: in OS X, they appear in the centre of the current mouseover window in a box with a translucent grey background. In case you aren't sure what I mean by window captions, I'm referring to the text in the title bar (ex. Aqua-Soft Forums - Reply to Topic - Mozilla Firefox is what I would expect to see). You can get an idea of what I mean by watching the preview movie at http://www.apple.com/macosx/theater/expose.html

  4. Awesome app!

    Do you plan on implementing window captions for the WinExposed windows at some point? I find the window captions particularily useful when there are many windows open, and the exposed windows become too small to easily tell which window is which.

    Thanks again for a great program!

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