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Posts posted by Tardio

  1. Try playing with the "... this far from the screen center" and "... this far from the screen edge" settings. You should set that last one mostly to the middle of the slider.

    No, that not working, you've to reverse the effect, i think.


    Try yourself ;)

    If you have some app (like in nVidia's settings) to disallow windows from being overlapped or outside the screen, you'll need to disable that or add MirrorEffect.exe to the exceptions list.

    Where can i add MirrorEffect to the exceptions list in nvidia's settings ?

  2. I've install SQL Express on my Windows Xp :)

    I've also installed the SQL Management to add a command, movieClerk tell me i need this command. (sp_configure'instances' or something like that.)

    Now it's ok but i will waiting for a new version without installation of SQL Express to use it on Vista.

    It's a really good program and you've do an amazing job.

    I've juste a little problème, i can't delete a movie. I don't know why.

    We can't add an entire folder ? because add files one by one it's long :D

    Edit ==> Viper , i've the same bugs :(

  3. Ok, i see :) Thank you for your answers. I did'nt know WMP and Picasa uses SQL, i will see if i install SQL Server Express, or if i wait your SQLite version... because you've made a really good work...

    Thank you again ;)

    You think it's possible, instead of using Amzon.com, used Amazon.fr ? i'm French so... :P But it's not a problem.

    ps: SQL Express 2005 is compatible with Vista SP1 ? i will search.

  4. Why SQL server is needed ?

    I think, if your program, just cataloging our movies we have on our computer and allow us to attach to the .avi file (for exemple) a "cover.jpg" from our computer, without using a SQL or something else, just like the library in WMP 11, or like Picasa but just for movie files, just cataloging our movies we have on our drives.

    That can be interesting i think, but you've another project in your head, so i don't think you will do that :(

    i ask you, can you do that ? a special version for me :D ? Thank you :)

    (excuse my english)

  5. Thanks and good work ! This app is reallly good :)

    A new version will be avaible soon ? maybe with more option, more optimized ?

    Edit => I've a problem, i've an external 2"5 hdd in USB, in Preferences i've been activated Removable, but the hdd appear looks like a "Fixed" but if I activate the Fixed option, all of my HDD are added on my desktop.

    Can you fix it ?

    I think an option where we can choose what drives we need on the desktop, or the reverse, that can be cool.

  6. I was wondering if it would be too difficult to add an option to configure the curvature of the fan option.

    Hey dude, nice idea you've !

    I've some suggestion for new "options", maybe it's possible to add an option to increase the speed of the animation, more slower or faster. And if it's possible, another option, when we click on a folder, rather than the folder is opened in a new Windows window, maybe the folder can be opened in the stack docklet and show the files contained in.

    Excuse if my english is not good, but i'm french so... ;)

    ps: thanks for your work, this docklet is really good. I've no problem on Vista (with rocket dock).

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