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Posts posted by Kittierocker

  1. Hi, if there's already a similar topic, I'm sorry.

    I heard there's a way (having Snow Leopard's DVD) to install it on desktop's by simulating its BIOS with this ISO: http://cdn.psystar.com/rebelefi_latest.iso

    I'm sooo crazy to try (I have Snow Leopard DVD), but... how can I dual boot it with the Windows 7 partition? And will it work on my AMD x64?

    I'm sorry for my bad english and my ignorance :)

    i think this is hackintosh [which i am running] lol you should post that here, trust me i posted it and they warned me and stuff lol :P

  2. Anyone know what dock is the best for windows 7? i mean i like the task bar cuz its sort of like a dock but its not the same. Ive seen some docks on Dell and HP computers but their only for their own machines. Im waiting to see Bobah13's new dock but i want to try some out before his so anyone have any idea?

  3. Lol, wow. I have an incredible urge to just rage at this individual but I'm an interwebs gentleman and can do no such thing.

    pfft "interwebs gentleman" yea right more like a eThug

    u should take some lesson from mps69 hes a real interwebs gentleman

  4. This has been fun......nothing like a good handbag slapping. :lol:


    I'll give you the can to change your signature or I'll do it for you, and you won't like what I do, show some consideration and read the rules.

    Oh and BTW in future don't self mod, anyone with a problem with members use the report button.

    see now thats how a REAL Man asks politely for me to change my signature and sir i will do so XD

    anyways what fun this has been wasnt it :lol: ... "we should do this more often kawsquared & scissorhands7 & Levi"....... NOT!

  5. Thank the lord :) she made her signature smaller and all one color. Granted that its much larger than half her posts and includes vulgarities. But at least the vulgarities make sense and are spelled properly.

    YEa i wanted to PLEASE! all "Bitching" and end this shit cuz im more of a man than all u XD

    PS: "Thank the lord" ahahahaha now that is stupid LMAO :D:lol::D:lol::D:lol:

  6. I like how (s)he removed all his/her private info from her signature. Good thing I have a screenshot of it and will be posting it on... well. That's for him/her to figure out.

    go ahead i dont give a fuk

    how about i help u edit it well do all that photoshop shit and put some nasty pictures of me sucking well... u know... Lollipops XD

    Yay ima be a internet celeb thank you XD

  7. I say your pic and sig are ugly.

    Im a gay man too, but I think your taste and manner is disgusting.

    As for you Kaw, I thought you knew better. Seems you've been prowling this wilderness a little too long.

    What happened to Aquasoft's humanity?... It was civilised and dare I say it, gay friendly when I left.

    This has gone way off topic and should be closed.

    Mods?... I know you like watching weeds grow for laughing and entertainment, but its time to pull out the flamethrower.

    WTF! my Pic and Signature are GORGEOUS!!!!!!

    i dont know wtf u iz talkin bout honney, mabey cuz ur old, maybe thats y u dont get it...

    I don't know what you're referring to by me "knowing better" but sure.

    I'm not saying anything about being gay. I don't care.


    Pffft i wish... thats Jeffree Star!!!! only the Most Beautiful trannys and Musician EVER!


    ANYWAYS ima be the BIGGER Man and end this "stuff"

    but yea Windows 7 is betterrrrr and thats all i gatta say :D

  8. How can you be gay and vegetarian? You're swallowing a lot of meat, I think.

    Seriously, MODS! DO SOMETHING PLZ.

    sweetie its not the same shit!....I may swallow a dick now and then, but i dont eat it! dumbass

    see now that should be something u should be removed from here cuz that was insulting....

  9. Yeah I know XD

    Hey mods, are you gonna ban her XD? Because she's really fucking annoying XD.





    uhh honey im a guy so get ur facts straight b4 u speak Okay!

    and PS: If they dont ban u for going around a talkin "Stuff" about everyone and their work, when they probably worked hard on it, then YTF! would they ban me??? So baby im not scared of u cuz all u iz, is a trashtalkin E-Thug,thats all i gatta say XD

  10. My opinions are facts, I thought we established that?

    Also, I'm not bitching about anything. Where are the moderators when you need them? Always banning me and scolding me, blah blah blah. This person's signature is distracting and I'd like to submit an official complaint.


    pffft hahaha lol their not ganna ban me for having a fabulous signature.

    they should ban u for acting like ur the S*** when ur defiantly NOT!!!!!!!!XD

  11. Can you tone down your fucking signature, please?

    Um... anyways.

    People are still interested in all this Windows 7 hype? Snow Leopard is the same (if not better) and is a thousand times more aesthetically pleasing. Not trying to be a fanboy, but those are the cold, solid facts.


    i like my sigiture the way it is so dont ask again or bi&*% about it again THXZ!! :)

  12. Well I Love watching the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" right and well during one of the parts in the beginning they pass the Beautiful Mac Comps and i know Andreas Wallpaper comes with the Mac its the "Lotus" but im wondering if anyone knows where i can get the same exact wallpaper Emily has, i know its the Arc de Triomphe in Paris but i don't know where to get it.... anyone know where i can get it??

  13. You can install it on XP SP 2 as well as Win 2000, ME, 98 or whatever as long as you have DirectX. The Visual Basic installer however is a blast from the past when you had to reboot everytime it touched a system file. To avoid that, install the Visual Basic Runtime files before you install the cover flow. Download the VB6 runtime files here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...17-f673077ffb3c

    DirectX 9.0c can be downloaded here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...6a-9b6652cd92a3

    hi i installed both of these and i still get an error message saying i dont have the proper files installed.....

    then i went over and installed it on my small netbook and it worked there and i transfered the files from coverflow folder to my main desktop and ran the program and it worked, but i dont get the right click on the menu pop ups in explorer but yea..... i dunno y the installer didnt start :/

  14. okeii well i have a website that im bring up and its flash. Im using a template from Flashmo and i have like no idea where the the names and the links of the pages are located so i can edit them lol i took some classes for flash in high school but i didnt get this advanced... can some one help me pretty please :D

    if u can tell me how to change the names of the links that would be asum :D

    FLA file

    thnxz :)

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