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Posts posted by b0se

  1. Originally posted by rjohnstone@Aug 11 2003, 06:11 PM

    Very sweet... I noticed that it came with some pre-configured MobyDock backgrounds and seperators.

    I have converted them to work with ObjectDock if anyone is interested.

    This was done for my own personal preference, and if b0se gives permission, I will be more than happy to post the file.  :D

    Thanks, and be my guest :)

  2. Thanks guys.

    gahbmwM5 (the new M5's are insanely good - even got a HUD!), I'm using 0.6.1 with no problems...

    On the topic, I've just fixed the Pheonix scrollbar bug, and I'm now working on borderless versions (1 pixel anyway), will keep you updated :)

  3. Hi,

    First off, big thanks to KoL for giving me permission to mod his Smooth Stripes Sunken visual style.

    Latest Version: Puma 2.0

    Updates since 1.5:

    - 'No Border' versions

    - Enhanced accuracy of interface

    - Fixed Mozilla / Pheonix scrollbar bug

    - Tweaked colours

    Updates since 1.0:

    - New start button (apple logo)

    - More accurate (and much nicer) fonts

    - Borderless versions

    - Improved look and feel

    - Enhanced taskbar look and feel

    - Accuracy tweaking

    - Fixed Mozilla scrollbar bug

    - Fixed too small start panel


    Puma is a professional style that contains three colour variations, each with its own MobyDock skin.

    Install recommendations

    - Use Classic view for explorer windows - no shellstyle

    (Tools -> Folder Options -> [Check] Use Windows Classic folders)

    - Use the BLACK cursor scheme

    (Control Panel -> Mouse -> Pointers [Combo] Scheme: Windows Black)

    - Large icons

    - Install fonts

    (drag them from '\Windows\Resources\Themes\Puma\fonts' into your '\Windows\Fonts' directory)

    - Use Mac-like font smoothing (much nicer on the eye)

    (Display Properties -> Appearance -> Effects -> [Tick] Use the following....screen fonts

    -> [Combo] ClearType)

    - Use large icons

    (Display Properties -> Appearance -> Effects -> [Tick] Use Large Icons)

    - Extract the MobyDock skin folders into

    (copy and paste folders under '\Windows\Resources\Themes\Puma\MobyDock' into your '\Program Files\MobyDock\dockconfig\Skins' directory)

    Thanks to { J a c e } - Beta tester and Wallpaper creator


    (click to enlarge)

    Normal Border versions:


    No Border versions:



    Download @ DeviantART

    Comments welcome!

  4. The author of Panther Pro has refused to grant authorisation, reasoning being he wants it to be exclusive to OSX. He has his reasons, its his theme so I respect his decision. I am however, dissapointed.

    Not to worry though, KoL gave me permission to mod is Smooth Stripes, so I'll be making my own mod, with original graphics. No rips = no auth requests (bar KoL of course :) )

    Will keep you posted!

  5. I'd really like to see this one continued. Its not at at all pointless. Would be great as a service, could start and stop it really easily, and would feel better than a running app (for some reason). For some reason it never made inactive explorer windows transparent tho...

    F.Y.I: It makes inactive windows semi-transparent. Simple, but very effective (and useful).

  6. Hi,

    Screeny (click for full):


    This is a mod of KoL's excellent Smooth Stripes (Sunken - Graphite). KoL's given me the go ahead to release (thanks mate :) ). This VS was intially designed as a Panther Pro port, but the author (ImDaMac) wants Panther Pro to be OSX only. This VS was designed and modded using only graphics from SSSunken - Graphite with KoL's permission.

    There is also a Gold colour (which is the nicest imho) but its being updated atm and hence not in the screenshot.

    Its got a compact start panel btw (yes it will have normal version too) ;)

  7. Got a TiVo here.

    Put a 120GB HDD in it too (since it originally had 40), was well easy to do, there are specifically written apps to help lock/unlock the drives etc.

    It will keep recording a show if its duration is extended.

    PROS's: Excellent, basically. HDD can be upgraded. If you start recording a show mid way through, if the TiVo has been on the same channel it will jump back and record from 30 mins before. So handy when watching a footy match, you'll never miss any goals again...

    CON's: Production of them has stopped, so no new drivers / updates will not be released. If Thompson decide at any point support may dissapear also. Takes AGES when flicking through the channels via the TiVo, you increment the channel on Sky and it literally takes a few seconds (believe me it gets VERY annoying).

    Also, you may want to consider getting a Hauppage USB Digital TV 'card' (external). It costs £150 and has all of the features of the TiVo, but does it through your PC. My mate has one and its a great piece of kit.

  8. Originally posted by Vejitarot@Aug 10 2003, 02:47 AM

    well there's a program called irfanview that some people call iview, so that's what made me think of iSee

    Ah didn't realise...

    @ Cerebral: What does it matter if people put forward an idea? The reason I like the iXXX names is because it makes them easily distinguishable from my normal Windows apps, and also keeps them all together in the Program Files directory, making it easier to keep tabs on your Mac emulation software.

  9. Oooh that looks nasty :) (the scrambled one, not your mod ;) )

    The reason you have the white blocks is because the background of the scrollbar itself doesn't match the scrollbar background...

    The easiest way is to make the background of the scrollbar transparent (its a BMP so use 255, 0, 255 - that horrble pink!). Hoever, this may make you lose some of the shadow effect so b careful (I'd use Paint Shop Pro for that, zooming in so each pixel is massive (for better accuracy)).

    Or, once you have the scrollbar with pink background, get the normal scrollbar background, and paste the scrollbar itself onto the background, then save as the scrollbar, remove the pink bits (you'll need to use layers for this), and you have a perfect match.

    Sorry if that was confusing it's quite hard to explain.

    Ok, I'll do it for you, gimmie a bit then check your messages.

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