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Posts posted by b0se

  1. Finally moved from Brushed style...

    This is a mod of KoL's excellent SSNormal theme, I've changed the overall colour and appearance of the theme (now much darker, with slight gradients - and more accurate fonts (no offence KoL :) )), the buttons / checkboxes / tabs etc remain the same (bar a few tweaks).

    Also has compact start menu.

    Click for 1280!


  2. Since my reply for this question was lost on Neowin, I'll reply here :canadian:

    (lol @ canadian icon - wasn't expecting it to be named that)

    To mod a theme you either need to either extract the resources (i.e. Bitmaps or PNG's), or work on them directly. ResBuild (TGTSoft) lets you edit them directly (if you open the .msstyle), using a choice of editors.

    You may be trying to edit a PNG as a BMP, which would explain the lack of transparency. Even after tyring many apps, I find that FireworksMX is the best for editing PNG's (even though its a horrible program imho). Photoshop 7 fails to preserve the correct transparency.

    Also its worth noting that PNG's support transparency NATIVELY, i.e. don't use other programs to set the tranparency, and turn transparency OFF in StyleBuilder for any PNG, otherwise you get the black borders.

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