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Levi- The perfectionist

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Everything posted by Levi- The perfectionist

  1. OH HI. I don't think I count as original...But pretty fun to revisit. Never thought my last time on here would be my last for like 10+ years. I think Im a mod or was at one stage. I guess I grew older and got a Mac: so my need to customise my Windows machine went.
  2. Your name rings a bell... from a kingdom long past... Kisses and hugs for BH2 and Timan XOX
  3. This is fast becoming like that strange 'epic' thread we had a while ago (epic?)
  4. @ scissorhands7 ... umm what? You want to come out?
  5. Maybe its just because im gay and therefor like men to be men, not tranny women. Im 21. My boy is 18. I work as a graphics designer and have been for two years and have worked with portfolio and web for companies such as Sony Australia and Coffee Club. So I guess it just remains my 'old' opinion; but I personally don't like your sig, I think its a travesty, It breaks every design principal and makes everything difficult to read.
  6. I thought you knew better than to fight fire with fire was all i was saying.
  7. I say your pic and sig are ugly. Im a gay man too, but I think your taste and manner is disgusting. As for you Kaw, I thought you knew better. Seems you've been prowling this wilderness a little too long. What happened to Aquasoft's humanity?... It was civilised and dare I say it, gay friendly when I left. This has gone way off topic and should be closed. Mods?... I know you like watching weeds grow for laughing and entertainment, but its time to pull out the flamethrower.
  8. No, that is not fact, merely your opinion. This is my opinion- As a mac fanatic myself, I have to say Snow Leopard is a largely underwhelming and dare I say it, buggy release (although certainly nothing compared to the atrocity that was Vista). I have remained with it only because it has far better window switching and docking than Leopard. That in itself made it worth my $39 (AUD), but for an OS focusing on optimising its core, it sure does have a fair few kernel panics and applications unexpectedly quitting in contrast to Leopard. That said, a lot has been done under the hood in relation to 64-bit, so this is perhaps understandable. Windows 7 is fast, stable, simple and intuitive. The overhaul of the taskbar is even better than Leopard's implementation. True its theme aesthetics leave much to be desired, but at least it has a theme consistency. Snow Leopard is currently having an identity crisis with Aqua, illuminous, HUD, iTunes 9 and marble. Every App is different, and it makes for one ugly duckling. All in all Windows 7 is a solid release although its nothing groundbreaking. Perhaps It should have been Vista many years ago, but with Snow Leopard bringing little to the table it sure does stack up as a worthy competitor. Ohh and in response to the original question- Are you silly? Get Windows 7, not Vista!
  9. I feel like I have seen him...but maybe its just one of those 'familiar' faces... kinda creepy. Like whenever I look at paintings by Dali, I feel like Ive been to that place, seen that person or that it conjures some sort of dejavu feeling... its the subconcious- a mixture of things we have seen.
  10. yep. Did it all- reinstall, onyx, removing all the itunes library files and itunes library itself.... quicktime components even. In the end, I reinstalled Snow Leopard. Problem solved in half an hour. I love the SL installer, left virtually everything in place (didn't have to reinstall barely any apps) and yet it fixed my problem!... Do you remember the days when reinstalling as os was a BIG deal, and a numbing and scary experience when it screwed up? Well those days are gone. Thanks Apple. But it does annoy me that I didn't get down to the source of the problem, I like solving these problems.
  11. I've deleted itunes, reinstalled. Updated Mac OSX to 10.6.1. Here's a clue When I swap out the itunes music/library folder I am able to open itunes, but not open 'parent controls' in the itunes preferences or import the itunes library file. When I swap my itunes music/library back in, it crashes on startup with a horrible message (theres a few things in there that say kernel which have me freakin out) See if you can make some sense of my error message...
  12. both wired and wireless mouse and keyboard will work with XP. Wired- Plug and play. Wireless- You will need to install the 'bootcamp' drivers for XP. Its been A while since ive done it, and remember there was something else tricky to it, but it can be done. Try giving Apple a call if you have a mac and applecare and just say to them you need help with installing the wireless keyboard and mouse that came with your imac under bootcamp/XP. There are certain keyboard functions (eg- the command button) that wont work wired or wireless until you install those drivers.
  13. The iPhone upgrade is free. its approx 230MB. I see no reason not to upgrade, (unless your iphone is Jailbreaked and u want to keep it that way), its just as stable, fast, etc...but that said.... there's not alot new.
  14. I updated... it gets old pretty quickly; the majority of features I can't/wont use- * bluetooth headphones- I need to buy * spotlight search is... unnecessary I find * Voice memos... who seriously keeps these and doesnt feel like an idiot doing it? * Internet tethering- nice. But most data plans are through the roof in Australia to make this even remotely worthwhile Worthwhile features include- * Landscape keyboard is nice and much needed * Safari improvements... what exactly? ... well i guess if I dont have to type passwords all the time then its handy. * MMS... the most overated and requested feature... but chances are I'll use it * Copy/Paste Will come in handy one day Im waiting for a few things- * Tom Tom iPhone app. Can't wait! * An official jailbreak so I can install themes again... * Innovative Apps that show the potential/strength of the iPhone 3.0 SDK.
  15. Used to by myspace... in fact when Facebook took off, I was a fanatic about Myspace being better and Facebook being a phase. With customizable profiles and more personality, Myspace was a better way to show one's originality. But then I started using Facebook... Now its all I use. Why? Quite simply, Facebook is more 'social'. It connects people effortlessly and you don't have to have a 'cool' profile in order to be popular. I just wish they'd clean up the annoying Apps... and maybe add some basic profile design customization... Something more like twitter where it still looks professional but with custom colors and backgrounds. Myspace is full of crap profiles, stalkers and quite simply- none of my friends use it any more so its for creeps. Twitter... well, its a bit of an over publicized fad if you ask me. I think Its good for randoms wanting to make quick rants, 'ooh look at me' posts and short n sweet political statements...but I think facebook is the best 'social' tool for making real friends and staying social with them. I think Forums are great too... but more from a hobbyist's point of view... who want to share ideas, ask questions and get various help from the likeminded.
  16. Don't use the beta, its buggy. Use the official Safari 4, it has a 'native' look in Windows XP. And learn how to talk. No misspelling doesn't make you look 'gangsta'.
  17. Gah Im sick of Mac Firefox users, saying Safari isnt as customisable... (^Not referring directly to you as you use a pc) IT is so! If your on a Mac checkout pimpmysafari, or adds ons like safaristand, inquisitor, etc... where there is a will there is a way. Safari is far more stable than firefox on a Mac! and it does everything you could possibly want it to! That said, not so sure how Safari stacks up on a pc these days; probably better off still sticking with FF there.
  18. I disagree... both are bad... The lack of unity between windows and its hardware is why im now a Mac man. Look at hardware from hp, toshiba, acer... its plasticy, glossy in all the wrong places, ugly, uninspired and just plain badly built. Now compare to Apple's solid offerings. Sure the hardware might be over priced for the specs, but the industrial design is best in class (eg- unibody MBP, all in one iMac, Masterpiece case- Mac Pro)... and the software is solid and built for the hardware. I must admit Sony and Dell dont do a bad deal, compared to other crappy pc brands in trying to create something inspired... but Sony is overpriced and its better to go for an even better designed Mac. Dell... well I think they're neat. But Ive heard a few horror stories.
  19. I think its great! I used the beta, found it extremely slow and buggy... I approached this one with caution. But to my pleasant surprise, it feels like a refinement rather than a buggy overhaul of the old safari. Pages load faster, theres nice transitions that make you feel like you're waiting less (ie- between coverflow/topsites and loading the site), and in general it just looks more streamlined and neat. Well worth the upgrade. Nothing unpleasant.
  20. I like the walls. That colour is really different. I respect your right as the artist to have your insignia, but I just wish it wasnt on the center of the walls and so distracting (not that its a bad sig) Just a thought. But thanks for contributing to the community, look forward to seeing your future work.
  21. u-g-l-y u aint got no alibi... meanwhile the following looks more credible; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QImtFOhx94o...player_embedded -but its a confirmed mockup, shame. Colours are hot.
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