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Everything posted by Nxqd3051990

  1. Yes I really want MAC fonts view on Windows nXqd
  2. Nxqd3051990

    My VS

    OMG What a very nice skin I Like it ^.^ nxqd
  3. Hello all, sorry for my bad in eng This room is great, thanks all let guest area I come from
  4. Can it gives me the list of songs like foo_out put When you listen one albums and you want to export the list Ah, anybody know the Itunes include in taskbar :x <<< Nxqd3051990 >>>
  5. Wow All of you think It's amazing, I will try now, ah Love you <<< Nxqd3051990 >>>
  6. I have searched, sorry and Thanks <<< Nxqd3051990 >>>
  7. I have run VideoLan and never seen It runs realmad.gif I click to Play list, and my opened files allways miss the last word in extension Like that : NBA.avi --> NBA.av When I change It run smoothly mad.gif Help me wink.gif <<< Nxqd3051990 >>>
  8. NOw I have released Ban 2 days All of your desk are very nice. I love them
  9. Great, now fonts is good for me Thank for all helps <<< Nxqd3051990 >>>
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