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Everything posted by bowlandspoon

  1. awsome looking program! will be keeping a watchful eye! congrats!
  2. I would keep an eye on this guy http://vsdigital.deviantart.com He is doing amazing things like a coverflow style interface for windows. Check it out.
  3. wow, absolutly awsome looking, as with iTV. shame to hear that you wont be releasing your Front Row clone. do you have any plans to release your iTV clone? i'm sure it would be a huge hit with the community.
  4. While this a a piece of software that will globally change your files, I run XP with two users on a single HD and the majority of the other account stays the same (XP Luna style). It looks basically the same with the exception of icons and a few other visuals. If its the other persons usability of XP that your worried about then there is no need. My girlfriend uses her account with no problems and I use mine with the flyakite pack installed. Obviously globaly the boot screen and login screen will look different on both accounts. Hope this helps. bowlandspoon.
  5. This doesn't work for me, it seems to run a scan and then nothing happens. I really want to get rid of this...
  6. It's good but it seems to only go one deep when you select "include subfolders", basically, i selected "c:" and hit the "include subfolders" checkbox. I was hoping it would do all under my "c:" drive. Any Ideas???
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