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Everything posted by Seckoa

  1. It has definitely been awhile since my last visit here. I thought this would be perfect place for my issue. I downloaded the new Safari 5 recently, and after installing and such. I load it and it loads all the words on the page but does not show any pictures from the sites. Tried Safari 4 again same issue for it. I am using a Compaq with Windows 7 on it. I am using the latest Firefox at the moment. Works perfectly.
  2. Windows 7 all the way. I am running Windows 7 as my only OS. It is way better than XP & Vista combined. Looks a heck of a lot better too.
  3. I would highly recommend you not use Limewire. It will give you a virus, no doubt. Stick with downloading mp3s.
  4. When you click the picture it says, "File not Found".
  5. I thought you had a Dell. How long have you had a macbook?
  6. Happy late birthday. I haven't logged into AS in a while and just saw this thread.
  7. I was wondering if there were any good screensaver programs for vista like Jwz.org (http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/) or like the ones seen on Chris Pirillo's computer. Jwz is only for Mac. I love having a program that has a different screen saver each time it comes on. Thanks to anyone that has an answer for me. --Seckoa
  8. I should've knew this was a stupid topic.
  9. Okay, I officially declare this thread 'dead'.
  10. Bump... Not to annoy anyone just want an answer.
  11. Seckoa


    If there's anyone wondering about any wallpaper software, I recommend Desktoptopia. It changes your wallpapers from 60 secs to a few weeks. And it gets designer wallpapers. This company chooses the best wallpapers some don't make it. That's all. Just recommending some great software.
  12. Under Construction. Can't wait to see the rest of the site.
  13. Well, I just wanted an answer. lol
  14. I wish my Computer Business Applications (CBA) class had iMacs. Instead, we have really crappy HP Desktops with those old monitors that take up space. If anything they should have Flat Panel monitors. When I was at the middle school they had a computer lab with bulky monitors and had a nice new lab with flat panels.
  15. Any ideas on the question I asked?
  16. Is there a program for thumb/flash drive where you can temporarily change the cursors on someone else's computer so you can have your own feel to someone else's computer only while using their computer. I want to like change the cursors at school or on a friend's computer to Mac OSX Pointers only when I use them. Thanks to anyone that can understand what I'm asking, --Seckoa
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