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About Gladiator

  • Birthday March 3

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  1. wow this looks great, I am wondering which font does Nintendo use?
  2. I am looking for this one for ages.. but no luck. Could someone help me out please? Thanks in advance! -G
  3. your icons looks very good, but they are in .sit format, and I am not using mac..
  4. Those are great walls, thanks for sharing with us!!
  5. wow, I like your works mugenb 16!! except that poser 7 icon
  6. Here is the link, check it out! I love his work, http://www.orhanokay.com/iconmacmagazine/ I am wondering if somebody could transfer his Serengeti HardDisk ikonları set into windows icons? by the way, windows vista icon format is 256x256? Thanks a bunch!
  7. Thanks a bunch Jon@z! those are exactly what I want! Cheers!
  8. I got some High Def movies, could someone post some HD movie icons please, png format is also fine. Thanks in advance.
  9. hmmm. I start to think I am gonna stare at this thread like hawk from now on, I can't belive it I miss it again...
  10. that's awesome travelfox, since you post more icons from HW, could you please convert all the icons to png? xD thanks in advance!
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