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  1. @tyblos - this has NOTHING to do with FindeXer. it's probably because of one of the registry/explorer settings changes you attempted. did you try both solutions i suggested in my previous post?
  2. @tyblos, I am not sure what you are saying. Do you mean that when you double-click on a folder inside "Documents" (in explorer, not FindeXer!) it opens in a new window? if that is the case: 1. does it happen only in "Documents"? 2. does it happen for every subfolder you have there? 3. does it happen even if FindeXer is uninstalled? if the answers are no, yes and yes - then you either have your explorer windows set to open in a new process/window (Tools->Folder Options->"open each folder in the same window" should be marked) or you have Explore as your default folder action (There were a couple of message back about how to change that). If that is not the case, please provide some more information (like a screenshot or a small vid of what is going on, and the answers to the questions)... g'luck
  3. Hi guys, I have a new version for you, which fixes the open in same window functionality for vista users (it might also work for some xp users with broken registry). There is also a matching x64 version available for download. Thanks goes to Andreas (AVE) for pointing me in the right direction. I was looking for a registry hack, but if you are interested in the details you can read on the blog what i ended up doing (basically if the object is browsable we browse to it, and if not we use default action). Enjoy, I hope this improves functionality for all you Vista and x64 users... btw, in case it's not obvious - the update is on the first page/post.
  4. @tyblos, first of all - in the future, if you post a message in another language than english, provide a translation for that message, no one can provide help for a problem they do not understand. now, if your problem is with the register/unregister files please try the ones attached to this message. in explorer go to FindeXer folder, replace the register/unregister files with the ones attached. then, right-click on the register file and choose "run as administrator". let me know if that solution works for you, I have replaced the batch files in the master download on my site as well... BTW: @matonga, kudos and thanks for being so active with problem resolving in this thread. two thumbs up! FindeXer Reg Files.zip
  5. @matmat07 and anybody else with x64 OS: I Don't have a x64 machine to test this on (and neither do any of my beta testers), so I want to make sure of 2 things: 1. Make sure you have downloaded and installed MS VCRT SP1 for x64. Most problems I have noticed over the years are from people who don't have that installed or a bad installation of it. 2. please try this beta build compiled and linked for x64 systems and let me know if it works/is better. Important Note: This is a build compiled for x64 and will not work (at least it shouldn't) on either x86 or ia64 machines. please do not install it and come copmlaining Just for the sake of humouring me - I've used 64bit machines mainly as servers, and every installation I have ever seen or tested of 64bit windows (XP/Vista) has always been plagued with instability and lacking drivers. Why on earth would any of you wish (unless for learning/training purposes) to use it as your main home o/s? just curious... anyways - if any of you install/try it, feel free to update me. If it is still not working, I can try and work on a fix if someone will volunteer to be the beta tester.
  6. This is my oldest nickname (been using it for about 15 years now, since bbs days), it came from a friend who used to train in martial arts with me. he was from south africa, and apparently in some form of one of the many languages they have there - it means "the end of the world". i just love it I also go by "The Dr." in more recent registrations. That's 'cause i took 5 years of med. school, after which i decided to pursuit a career in computer software. But everyone at work keeps asking me for medical advice, showing me their blood test results and generally telling me stuff i don't really want to know when someone at work refers to me with this nick, i know some story (which usually involves wayyyy too much information) is about to ensue. It is also a tribute to one of my favorite all time tv shows - "Doctor Who". though i preferred christopher ecclestone to the new guy, england still has some of the best teli ever ;P
  7. I'm sorry - the format had to change, and there was really no point in investing valuable time in an import program. I do apologize for the inconvenience this gives to any user of the former version. As for the margin idea, it is a good idea as a temporary and maybe even as a permanent one (even when there are cat/subcat) - i can imagine users wanting to customize this. I will add it to the ToDo list... - Thanks @parry: Are you using windows Vista, if you are - this is a known problem with the default configuration for some of Vista installations i've seen. I have yet to find the common denominator between them but i already have a fix which will be available in the next version, meanwhile you can change the default action for your folders from "Explore" to "Open".
  8. @DZGH_Operator: No problem, I'm glad it works for you As for the GUI, thanks - but complements go to Mrrste for stunning and fitting icons.
  9. @DZGH_Operator: It seems like the error you are getting is about the file not being located. can you please try the attached installation batch file. if you still get the same error please run the command line as administrator, go to the FindeXer directory and type: regsvr32 FindeXer.dll let me know if this turns out any errors please. FindeXer Installation.zip
  10. @DZGH_Operator: the only time i encountered this error was due to a missing CRT's. Can you check your event log and see if there is an error there you can post. Also, can you please quote the exact error you are getting?
  11. @DZGH_Operator: did you install the VC++ Runtime Redistributable 2005 SP1?
  12. I have updated the main release thread, please post any further requests/questions there so there are no duplicates...
  13. There's an update with a new version on the first page. It is compatible with Vista and has some more changes/additions. You can read all about it on the first page or on my site... Enjoy :cool:
  14. ok guys - i'll just make sure i have the right release and put it up. should be there tonight or tomorrow night (depending on the free time i get).
  15. Hey guys, I didn't know there was any interest in this for vista. I've actually fixed the bug that didn't allow it to be loaded in vista and i am working on some changes. if anyone is interested i can go back to posting updates. I'm not sure how regular they will be as i was promoted in my company and now have almost no free time at all (most of which is spent with the wife ofcourse).
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