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About safe

  • Birthday 02/28/1978

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  1. Hi guys it has been almost 3 yrs since the last full version of flyakiteOSX 3.5 version. anybody know any update of this one? pls inform thanks
  2. Since Gulf Country and some neighbor country uses the british standard voltage and Hz. use PAL with 50hz however most of the TV nowadays uses both compatibilities with PAL & NTSC
  3. Smallville Heroes Lost Prison Break <-- The best
  4. 1st if you use router or modem for your dsl connection try to unplug the power cord or switch off totally. then if you are in dynamic IP surely it will give you a new IP so you can get the faster connection from your ISP. 2nd try to delete cookies, temporary internet files, data forms, etc., from the properties of IE or Mozilla, 3rd if you got the softer cleaner like CCleaner or SuperCleaner those softwares will clean garbage or remove uneccessary file then follow up by cleaning it by Ad-Aware SE personal or Ad-Aware SE Manual. those are the possible solution for DSL problem. Lastly if you notice you still got the sloppy connection, try to tweak your connection by other possible solution likt.. "full speed" try to search it. i dont know if it is allowed to post the site here, just incase you want to know just site pm me so i wont get warning from here . IF those above mentioned still not be useful for you then i suggest contact your ISP then reformat you PC. and try to put some Internet Security that is not a free version. Hope this will help you
  5. been using this one since i saw it here nice share vlad.... really vladdy good wall paper
  6. that was cool.. i'll give it to my gf instead of buying the expensive LV bag lol ) nice share
  7. awwwwwwwwww a very nice theme for a doc look so elegant great creation
  8. Is this a freeware? since i use osx tiger too.. if yes where can i download this LOCO?
  9. neither this solution didnt help me.. and looking for the hotfix under control panel.. aside from control panel can we uninstall the hotfix or delete it manually? if yes were can i find it? /windows? thanks
  10. Thanks Ojalord for this info appreciated
  11. i am into RK launcher.. best for me and used to it.
  12. Hi admin, mode, staff, and members.. i dont know if i am in a right thread or maybe the topic is already existing but i cant find one topic the same.. i have this problem occuring in my transformation of my xp to mac osx tiger. it said the system dll user32.dll was relocated everytime i try to open my calculator.. plus everytime i hit ctrl+alt+del or standby mode in laptop it will give me never ending error of CODE: 2, 5, 6 etc error.. if somebody already has the solution for this one.. am gladly to say thanks in advance peace out!
  13. Hello! Guys, i am SAFE i came to aqua-soft hoping to find some solution to my mac os x tiger transformation. btw i read some post and really wanted to be part of it. thanks
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