Well 1 member <------ me and 149 guest. Im an old timer from here making Yahoo Widgets. Am finishing up the help file for this right now. If anyone is interested in Yahoo Widgets leave a comment here and i will post a download link for the widget engine.
Working fine now thanks, when I get a little time I will post a few more processor icons (any requests). Right now I'm spending most my time over at the sevenforums trying to learn some of the differences with the OS.
I run AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Processor so I put this together. Also an option would be to display the processor name as the docklet label. I have not got everything set up for graphics work yet but I will do my best if you need anything let me know.
Seems when I close the dock and open it the icon reverts back to the default icon.
As for the lyrics, will it pull them from the net or get them from iTunes,WMP and so forth? It would be nice if it downloaded the lyrics but all in all you have created a very nice app.
If I could see your javascript function I might be able to help, or you could post it at the Widgets forum https://www2.konfabulator.com/forums/index.php?