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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Yes looks good I will try and edit the rest of the skin (buttons) and update this weekend.
  2. All the number fonts are images you would have to replace the image files in the skin directory. You could use Gimp or Photoshop and any fonts on your machine to make new images.
  3. We have had 100+ for the last 7 days and it is going to break tonight. And yes I have to agree with you on the font I will update the widget again thanks for your feedback on this.
  4. I just started having this problem, I had to use IE just to post here. Because with firefox even when I type username and password and click login it brings me back to the same page but not logged in. Or if it does log me in when I click view new posts it takes me to a page that says I'm not logged in. As I say this has just started never had any problems before or on any other forum. Now I'm back using Safari so it seems to be something related to firefox although with firefox I changed user agents and still had the problem so it may be firefox itself.
  5. You can save this as display.vbs and place it anywhere to do that. Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.SendKeys "{F8}" Some antivirus programs will want you to approved using the script the first time you run it. Change F8 to whatever you are using for the widgets (default is F8).
  6. Download link has been updated it now has the degree symbols fro the hi and low. You will have to check but I think the real Dashboard Widget uses Helvetica Neue font, which is a pay font so when the Yahoo Widget was created SioSae created images for the main temp and used Arial for the rest. I could not distribute the font either but if you have the font on your system open the .kon file and replace all instances of "Arial" with "Helvetica Neue" and it should look much nearer to the original. It could be changed to use images as the main temp does but would required a lot more coding and graphic work and I already had to do more than I originally anticipated to get it to work right.
  7. Facebook (most my school mates) and MySpace (keep in touch with my kids) I was thinking about checking out Twitter also. I usually use widgets to monitor them so that I don't have to go log in all the time.
  8. I have Safari 4 installed when I took the screen shots. The main temp numbers are actually images not fonts.
  9. Ok seems I have taken on to many internet projects and personal life projects I'm totally exhausted. I did not complete the images for the background(just the logo) if anyone has the time be my guest. But other than that it seems to be running fine. If you do have any problems go to preferences and check log to file run the widget for several days to give me plenty of data to work with then send the log file to me and I will take a look. Dashboard Weather Version 2.4
  10. I also tried a skin my problem is after I zipped it and renamed to rskin it returned an error and crashed. I think Rosie is close with the menus. It displays all the menus in Photoshop and submenus just no text in the menus. It would be fantastic to have Rosie work with Photoshop menus no other finder bar came this close.
  11. Done pretty much just debugging to do that pretty much just set around and check weather compared to the widget day/night and so for. I had to changed the link graphics on the back(still need to finish that) and she will be ready I think. Got it working better for the European community so now you can enter zip/city or UK Postcodes. Try to finish the back today or tomorrow and post it then you all can help me if there are any lingering bugs.
  12. This is the one to try people it is skinnable, if anyone can get the resources(images) for Delicious Library and some screenshots of the app I will try to put a mod together.
  13. @ Hippie Place the DigitalClock folder in the Docklets folder then go to object dock right click and add the digital clock it should configure itself after that. Then you can add more world clocks and alarms from the docklet right click or from the docklet preferences, I hope that was clear.
  14. Then you may want to add an ignore list for applications as I said before while Rosie is running I cannot use Photoshop neither menus work.
  15. I don't have this file but every since I updated to the newest dock I can no longer change the stack from the default "My Computer" no matter what folder I try it crashes the dock.
  16. Thanks but that is not what I meant, if you use the Stacks 2.0 docklet you will see what I mean in the dock. It displays one icon and when clicked on another icon appears this cannot be accomplished with a shortcut it needs to be an actual docklet. The options in th Stacks 2.0 for the icon are as follows; 1. Don't use icon- in which case it displays icons from the selected folder 2. Use Icon as stack icon- which has the reaction I previously stated 3. use icon as box overlay- which displays icon in the folder inside of a box These are the things I would like to see. As of right now I wait patiently for Matonga to port the stacks 2.0 to C++ in which case I hope he is able to implement some of the things ChristianS have accomplished here.
  17. I think this is great only I don't use it much, it would really be great if you could incorporate all of this to a regular docklet (Matonga are you getting this ha ha ha)
  18. Firefox Menus display but when trying to use any they do nothing.Firefox Bookmarks menu shows no Dropdown menu when clicked on. Window explorer shows nothing but "Explorer"(no file, edit, view) this should be customizable also to use the word "Finder". Photoshop does display its menu but the menu is still with Photoshop also but not active. And Rosie's dropdown menus are working but no text displaying. So I cannot use either. Utorrent same way both menus on with Rosie and one with Utorrent. Although the menu for Rosie is working. Also does not work with iTunes. I use Windowblinds so that could be the double menu problem.
  19. If you look in Task Manager you will see that StandaloneStack2.exe is always running. Use a shortcut to it in the dock with arguments that should remove the running indicator.
  20. Sorry Smaky I have been trying to update the Dashboard Weather Widget I just now downloaded the latest version of your docklet. I will finish the skin today and then get onto the icons for the configurations dialogs not sure if I will do as nice of job as the images you already have though. Edited I don't mean to add more work but I was going to use a translucent background(attached) for the iTime reminder window. But when I do I get a blue background(attached) you have put so much work into this it is up to you as to whether you want to change this, if not I will go with the background you made and the only change I made to the skin is the smalldigits(attached) they are a little bigger with less reflection as you requested. The buttons are the same way also notice the drop down menu has color behind it, not sure if there is anything you can do about that. You should add the text color to the Alarms mode section to allow for different colors. I dont think you need to add all elements as it is fine the way it is. ( I'm a pain ) Edited Smaky the icons you had for the configurations dialogs were not my style of work but I kept the same idea used some resources from my Smooth Clock Widget, I hope these will do. Download RGB/A Icons
  21. Sorry for the double post please delete
  22. This gets better and better, and is vary handy in FindeXer.
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