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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. version 1.04 I have not updated it in a long time, I used RK after getting plus because I did not like it but after going to dual monitors I had to drop RK.
  2. I set my magnification back to 192 and I found the click much lower than were it should be almost to the first alarm button. Next Docklet(187,187) Next(132,29,161,44) Prev(25,29,55,43) Click(144,61) Previous Docklet(186,186) Next(131,29,160,44) Prev(25,29,55,43) Click(32,68)
  3. 1152x864 That's why they made Firefox ha ha ha
  4. The dock size in ObjectDock appearance settings if I set it to 165 px or below then it is alright if I increase magnification above 165 then it does not work. Lita decrease your magnification settings and see if it works.
  5. 48 minimum and 192 maximum You hit the nail on the head if I lower it then it works fine. Seems it quits working at 165
  6. Here is the next button and the next hotspot and I have 6 alarms(tests) but still not clickable. I can get screenshts of the prvious if you like but if we can get one working the other should follow. Smaky I moved the next hotspot down to here and it works, I also noticed when I hover over the docklet the text that appears above the docklet does not show until I get past the next and previous buttons same for world clock.
  7. Smaky I tried your ini file but still no go. I even pulled the docklet out of the dock and re added it. That was why I was wondering what language she was using.
  8. Copy this text save as iTime.ini and use the restore to load it should fix your problem. [DigitalClockSkin] FontNameCk=Lucida Handwriting FontSizeCk=12 FontColorCk=16777215 FontNameSw=Tahoma FontSizeSw=12 FontColorSw=0 FontNameAl=Tahoma FontSizeAl=10 FontColorAl=0 FontNameWc=Tahoma FontSizeWc=11 FontColorWc=8421504 Colorize=0 PointCk-X=0 PointCk-Y=0 PointCk-V=1 RcClock-X=187 RcClock-Y=190 RcClock-W=26 RcClock-H=30 RcClock-V=1 PointCkHH1-X=52 PointCkHH1-Y=62 PointCkHH1-V=1 PointCkHH2-X=86 PointCkHH2-Y=62 PointCkHH2-V=1 PointCkMM1-X=144 PointCkMM1-Y=62 PointCkMM1-V=1 PointCkMM2-X=176 PointCkMM2-Y=62 PointCkMM2-V=1 PointCkSS1-X=52 PointCkSS1-Y=138 PointCkSS1-V=1 PointCkSS2-X=78 PointCkSS2-Y=138 PointCkSS2-V=1 PointCkAM-X=167 PointCkAM-Y=140 PointCkAM-V=1 PointCkPM-X=167 PointCkPM-Y=140 PointCkPM-V=1 PointCkDots-X=120 PointCkDots-Y=62 PointCkDots-V=1 RcCkDate-X=120 RcCkDate-Y=118 RcCkDate-W=90 RcCkDate-H=14 RcCkDate-V=1 RcCkDOW-X=48 RcCkDOW-Y=118 RcCkDOW-W=90 RcCkDOW-H=14 RcCkDOW-V=1 PointSw-X=0 PointSw-Y=0 PointSw-V=1 RcStopwatch-X=139 RcStopwatch-Y=189 RcStopwatch-W=26 RcStopwatch-H=30 RcStopwatch-V=1 PointSwHH1-X=52 PointSwHH1-Y=62 PointSwHH1-V=1 PointSwHH2-X=86 PointSwHH2-Y=62 PointSwHH2-V=1 PointSwMM1-X=144 PointSwMM1-Y=62 PointSwMM1-V=1 PointSwMM2-X=176 PointSwMM2-Y=62 PointSwMM2-V=1 PointSwSS1-X=52 PointSwSS1-Y=134 PointSwSS1-V=1 PointSwSS2-X=78 PointSwSS2-Y=134 PointSwSS2-V=1 PointSwDots-X=120 PointSwDots-Y=62 PointSwDots-V=1 PointSwStartStop-X=0 PointSwStartStop-Y=0 PointSwStartStop-V=1 RcCkStartStop-X=163 RcCkStartStop-Y=132 RcCkStartStop-W=56 RcCkStartStop-H=24 RcCkStartStop-V=1 PointSwReset-X=0 PointSwReset-Y=0 PointSwReset-V=1 RcCkReset-X=163 RcCkReset-Y=161 RcCkReset-W=56 RcCkReset-H=24 RcCkReset-V=1 PointAl-X=0 PointAl-Y=0 PointAl-V=1 RcAlarms-X=91 RcAlarms-Y=191 RcAlarms-W=26 RcAlarms-H=30 RcAlarms-V=1 RcAlRegion-X=32 RcAlRegion-Y=64 RcAlRegion-W=192 RcAlRegion-H=123 RcAlRegion-V=1 PointAlHighlight-X=32 PointAlHighlight-Y=65 PointAlHighlight-V=1 RcAlTitle-X=36 RcAlTitle-Y=88 RcAlTitle-W=105 RcAlTitle-H=16 RcAlTitle-V=1 PointAlHH1-X=37 PointAlHH1-Y=65 PointAlHH1-V=1 PointAlHH2-X=54 PointAlHH2-Y=65 PointAlHH2-V=1 PointAlMM1-X=77 PointAlMM1-Y=65 PointAlMM1-V=1 PointAlMM2-X=90 PointAlMM2-Y=65 PointAlMM2-V=1 PointAlAM-X=104 PointAlAM-Y=65 PointAlAM-V=1 PointAlPM-X=104 PointAlPM-Y=65 PointAlPM-V=1 PointAlDots-X=65 PointAlDots-Y=63 PointAlDots-V=1 PointAlOnOff-X=136 PointAlOnOff-Y=76 PointAlOnOff-V=1 RcAlOnOff-X=137 RcAlOnOff-Y=76 RcAlOnOff-W=78 RcAlOnOff-H=24 RcAlOnOff-V=1 PointAlNext-X=180 PointAlNext-Y=41 PointAlNext-V=1 RcAlNext-X=179 RcAlNext-Y=40 RcAlNext-W=41 RcAlNext-H=21 RcAlNext-V=1 PointAlPrev-X=37 PointAlPrev-Y=41 PointAlPrev-V=1 RcAlPrev-X=36 RcAlPrev-Y=40 RcAlPrev-W=41 RcAlPrev-H=21 RcAlPrev-V=1 PointWc-X=0 PointWc-Y=0 PointWc-V=1 RcWorldClock-X=42 RcWorldClock-Y=189 RcWorldClock-W=26 RcWorldClock-H=30 RcWorldClock-V=1 RcWcRegion-X=32 RcWcRegion-Y=66 RcWcRegion-W=193 RcWcRegion-H=123 RcWcRegion-V=1 PointWcHighlight-X=32 PointWcHighlight-Y=63 PointWcHighlight-V=1 RcWcName-X=35 RcWcName-Y=65 RcWcName-W=85 RcWcName-H=39 RcWcName-V=1 PointWcHH1-X=145 PointWcHH1-Y=65 PointWcHH1-V=1 PointWcHH2-X=158 PointWcHH2-Y=65 PointWcHH2-V=1 PointWcMM1-X=178 PointWcMM1-Y=65 PointWcMM1-V=1 PointWcMM2-X=190 PointWcMM2-Y=65 PointWcMM2-V=1 PointWcAM-X=204 PointWcAM-Y=65 PointWcAM-V=1 PointWcPM-X=204 PointWcPM-Y=65 PointWcPM-V=1 PointWcDots-X=168 PointWcDots-Y=63 PointWcDots-V=1 RcWcDate-X=126 RcWcDate-Y=83 RcWcDate-W=95 RcWcDate-H=20 RcWcDate-V=1 PointWcNext-X=180 PointWcNext-Y=41 PointWcNext-V=1 RcWcNext-X=179 RcWcNext-Y=40 RcWcNext-W=41 RcWcNext-H=21 RcWcNext-V=1 PointWcPrev-X=37 PointWcPrev-Y=41 PointWcPrev-V=1 RcWcPrev-X=36 RcWcPrev-Y=41 RcWcPrev-W=41 RcWcPrev-H=21 RcWcPrev-V=1 PointGloss-X=0 PointGloss-Y=0 PointGloss-V=1 As for the time and date I thought it was universal this is what my docklet looks like using Lucida Handwriting..Are you running an English version of Windows?
  9. Use the ini file that came with the skin and it should be ok(I think I saved it) if not I will post the ini file. What system font are you using the default ? It might be a font problem is why I'm asking.
  10. Thanks that is how I did it but I guess the widgets I tried wont work.(Going to search for default dashboard widgets)
  11. I have not tried it yet because I was afraid it would clash with konfabulator, do they both work together without any problems? Ok downloaded, installed and the default widgets are fine. How do you get a Dashboard widget to run? I have zipped it up every way I could think of and it will not display it. The Weather Channel Mac Widget located here...http://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/information/theweatherchannelmacwidget.html
  12. No it is Windows Explorer, I usually don't use Finder clones because they lack some very important usages. I like to emulate the Macintosh but not at the expense of giving up functionality. I want a finder clone that will still let me do all the things explorer will do. Running: Windowblinds FindeXer Styler Toolbar(with skin modified from Mark Raats toolbar) QTTabBar(With my own images) Icons applied to system using Axialis IconWorkshop Also all you see in the screenshot is mostly the default folder here are some others not viewed. I will probably release a set of folders in 16 pixal pngs for your sidebar also.
  13. I know there have been people who have converted the Leopard folders to windows .ico files but all the ones I have found have poor 16, 24 and 32 bit versions. I have been slowly working on these as time permits and was wondering if anyone would be interested in them when I get them completed. I'm still looking for the 16, 24 and 32px "Open folder" for leopard not sure what they look like so it is hard to do them. I think these really look good in details view.
  14. The only thing that kept me from using it was system tray support like in the Macintosh. I went to a lot of trouble hacking system tray icons I would like to display them in the task bar.
  15. Video looks good but there are a couple of things I noticed. In preferences alarm icons are displayed with black around them not transparent and in the world clock preferences icons are the same and the weather icon does not display when you add a clock. Here is my ini [DigitalClockSkin] FontNameCk=Tahoma FontSizeCk=12 FontColorCk=16777215 FontNameSw=Tahoma FontSizeSw=12 FontColorSw=0 FontNameAl=Tahoma FontSizeAl=10 FontColorAl=0 FontNameWc=Tahoma FontSizeWc=11 FontColorWc=8421504 Colorize=0 PointCk-X=0 PointCk-Y=0 PointCk-V=1 RcClock-X=187 RcClock-Y=190 RcClock-W=26 RcClock-H=30 RcClock-V=1 PointCkHH1-X=52 PointCkHH1-Y=62 PointCkHH1-V=1 PointCkHH2-X=86 PointCkHH2-Y=62 PointCkHH2-V=1 PointCkMM1-X=144 PointCkMM1-Y=62 PointCkMM1-V=1 PointCkMM2-X=176 PointCkMM2-Y=62 PointCkMM2-V=1 PointCkSS1-X=52 PointCkSS1-Y=138 PointCkSS1-V=1 PointCkSS2-X=78 PointCkSS2-Y=138 PointCkSS2-V=1 PointCkAM-X=167 PointCkAM-Y=140 PointCkAM-V=1 PointCkPM-X=167 PointCkPM-Y=140 PointCkPM-V=1 PointCkDots-X=120 PointCkDots-Y=62 PointCkDots-V=1 RcCkDate-X=120 RcCkDate-Y=118 RcCkDate-W=90 RcCkDate-H=14 RcCkDate-V=1 RcCkDOW-X=48 RcCkDOW-Y=118 RcCkDOW-W=90 RcCkDOW-H=14 RcCkDOW-V=1 PointSw-X=0 PointSw-Y=0 PointSw-V=1 RcStopwatch-X=139 RcStopwatch-Y=189 RcStopwatch-W=26 RcStopwatch-H=30 RcStopwatch-V=1 PointSwHH1-X=52 PointSwHH1-Y=62 PointSwHH1-V=1 PointSwHH2-X=86 PointSwHH2-Y=62 PointSwHH2-V=1 PointSwMM1-X=144 PointSwMM1-Y=62 PointSwMM1-V=1 PointSwMM2-X=176 PointSwMM2-Y=62 PointSwMM2-V=1 PointSwSS1-X=52 PointSwSS1-Y=134 PointSwSS1-V=1 PointSwSS2-X=78 PointSwSS2-Y=134 PointSwSS2-V=1 PointSwDots-X=120 PointSwDots-Y=62 PointSwDots-V=1 PointSwStartStop-X=0 PointSwStartStop-Y=0 PointSwStartStop-V=1 RcCkStartStop-X=163 RcCkStartStop-Y=132 RcCkStartStop-W=56 RcCkStartStop-H=24 RcCkStartStop-V=1 PointSwReset-X=0 PointSwReset-Y=0 PointSwReset-V=1 RcCkReset-X=163 RcCkReset-Y=161 RcCkReset-W=56 RcCkReset-H=24 RcCkReset-V=1 PointAl-X=0 PointAl-Y=0 PointAl-V=1 RcAlarms-X=91 RcAlarms-Y=191 RcAlarms-W=26 RcAlarms-H=30 RcAlarms-V=1 RcAlRegion-X=31 RcAlRegion-Y=65 RcAlRegion-W=193 RcAlRegion-H=123 RcAlRegion-V=1 PointAlHighlight-X=32 PointAlHighlight-Y=65 PointAlHighlight-V=1 RcAlTitle-X=36 RcAlTitle-Y=88 RcAlTitle-W=105 RcAlTitle-H=16 RcAlTitle-V=1 PointAlHH1-X=37 PointAlHH1-Y=65 PointAlHH1-V=1 PointAlHH2-X=54 PointAlHH2-Y=65 PointAlHH2-V=1 PointAlMM1-X=77 PointAlMM1-Y=65 PointAlMM1-V=1 PointAlMM2-X=90 PointAlMM2-Y=65 PointAlMM2-V=1 PointAlAM-X=104 PointAlAM-Y=65 PointAlAM-V=1 PointAlPM-X=104 PointAlPM-Y=65 PointAlPM-V=1 PointAlDots-X=65 PointAlDots-Y=63 PointAlDots-V=1 PointAlOnOff-X=136 PointAlOnOff-Y=76 PointAlOnOff-V=1 RcAlOnOff-X=137 RcAlOnOff-Y=76 RcAlOnOff-W=78 RcAlOnOff-H=24 RcAlOnOff-V=1 PointAlNext-X=199 PointAlNext-Y=37 PointAlNext-V=1 RcAlNext-X=198 RcAlNext-Y=40 RcAlNext-W=20 RcAlNext-H=20 RcAlNext-V=1 PointAlPrev-X=36 PointAlPrev-Y=37 PointAlPrev-V=1 RcAlPrev-X=35 RcAlPrev-Y=41 RcAlPrev-W=20 RcAlPrev-H=20 RcAlPrev-V=1 PointWc-X=0 PointWc-Y=0 PointWc-V=1 RcWorldClock-X=42 RcWorldClock-Y=189 RcWorldClock-W=26 RcWorldClock-H=30 RcWorldClock-V=1 RcWcRegion-X=31 RcWcRegion-Y=38 RcWcRegion-W=193 RcWcRegion-H=151 RcWcRegion-V=1 PointWcHighlight-X=32 PointWcHighlight-Y=65 PointWcHighlight-V=1 RcWcName-X=35 RcWcName-Y=65 RcWcName-W=85 RcWcName-H=39 RcWcName-V=1 PointWcHH1-X=145 PointWcHH1-Y=65 PointWcHH1-V=1 PointWcHH2-X=158 PointWcHH2-Y=65 PointWcHH2-V=1 PointWcMM1-X=178 PointWcMM1-Y=65 PointWcMM1-V=1 PointWcMM2-X=190 PointWcMM2-Y=65 PointWcMM2-V=1 PointWcAM-X=204 PointWcAM-Y=65 PointWcAM-V=1 PointWcPM-X=204 PointWcPM-Y=65 PointWcPM-V=1 PointWcDots-X=168 PointWcDots-Y=63 PointWcDots-V=1 RcWcDate-X=126 RcWcDate-Y=83 RcWcDate-W=95 RcWcDate-H=20 RcWcDate-V=1 PointWcNext-X=202 PointWcNext-Y=38 PointWcNext-V=1 RcWcNext-X=201 RcWcNext-Y=42 RcWcNext-W=20 RcWcNext-H=20 RcWcNext-V=1 PointWcPrev-X=35 PointWcPrev-Y=38 PointWcPrev-V=1 RcWcPrev-X=34 RcWcPrev-Y=42 RcWcPrev-W=20 RcWcPrev-H=20 RcWcPrev-V=1 PointGloss-X=0 PointGloss-Y=0 PointGloss-V=1 @Lita: What font are you using with the docklet? OK here is an updated skin with some minor changes I had been working on(old format) changed next and prev buttons for the alarms and world clock, changed the font used in the graphics(much cleaner looking) and Lita I have included the two extra backgrounds for you in the skins folder. Download
  16. When you are able to get back to this would you check XP and see if it crashes when the dock starts and there are no windows or applications open. Seems every time I start the dock if I don't have an explorer window open it crashes.
  17. Do you have the stacks.lib in the ObjectDock directory not the docklet directory?
  18. Developers they are such a pain @Lita: Here are updated backgrounds for you (easy fix) Download Blue and Gray @Smaky: For now I'm going to hold off on all other skins until you are sure of the format you wish to use and what works best. Cycling throught the alarms and world clock still does not work on xp. I have set up 4 alarms and 4 world clocks but can only view 3. @MetalArend: will this work for you...
  19. Make sure you have the latest version and that you have the stacks.lib in the ObjectDock directory. http://www.aqua-soft.org/forum/index.php?s...0&hl=stacks
  20. 1. Right click and "Add" Stacks Docklet 2.0 2. Right click the docklet and choose "Dock Entry Properties" The first tab(Folder) is were you set the folder and how you want the stack to act. The second tab (Icon)is were you set the icon/icons and how you want it to behave. I prefer the use icon as stack icon then when you click on the icon the stack opens and the icon changes. Or if you have one of the many box icons you can set it as a box overlay then it looks like the files are in the box. The last tab is to set the icons as reflective or not and choose the size of icon to display in the stack this will also depend on your system icons. If you have not modified the system icons then the largest you would want to go is 48.
  21. If someone decides to create a new dock keep this in mind... DockFun! I would do any graphics needed.
  22. Stacks 2.0 does work with ObjectDock so it must be in your settings. I have 2 stacks configured in my dock.
  23. joker82 you should take this to the Konfabulator forums, I did a quick search for you and found this if it does not help post there and someone will help you. http://www2.konfabulator.com/forums/index....c=23154&hl=
  24. @ Lita: Oh I see you just want different wallpaper for the iTime theme. @Smaky: Everything seems to work now except the buttons to cycle through alarms and world clocks. I have the hotspots set but clicking them does nothing. And of course in preferences the list,detail,icon and so on is not working. And for the lady, just rename which ever background you would like to use to background_ck.png (right click and save as...) 2. Would it be possible to change the right-click menu? Just thinking that the Show-list can become very long, and that the alarms could become really important in this docklet (Well, personally, I'm probably never gonna use it though tongue.gif) I really don't think that is necessary I don't think you would be jumping to preferences all that much once you have it set. But I would like to see the system clock properties windows from the right click. 5. I can scroll through all my alarms in the docklet, but it isn't that clear that actually something is changing. A scrollbar doesn't seem a good idea, but other ideas could be: a gradient behind all alarms, where the background behind the last alarm in the list would have a slightly other/darker/lighter color; the on/off button could have a slightly different color; the rows from the alarms could be lighter/darker, so that the even alarms would be slightly lighter from background than the uneven alarms (as in a table). I like the last option best, as that would mean that Ghostwalker could make easily one new lighter/darker image, instead of a gradient thingy, that could become not that clear with text in front of it. (What ya think, Ghostwalker?). Also, as it shows an uneven count from alarms, it would mean that with every click you see very clearly something changing. I could but at the same time maybe Smaky could have that region(alarmor world clock region) dim when the button is clicked. 5b. Possible improvements: I love the big on/off button in the alarms-tab, it's very easy to click on. But scrolling through the alarms is not that easy for someone with shaky hands, or so wink.gif Would it be possible to make this area a little bit bigger (same goes for the world clocks)? I can make bigger buttons for that, as I said in a previous post this skin is not complete I created some things just for the sake of being quick as to allow Smaky a skin to test with.
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