I have modifed the traffic LED plugin for Outpost Firewall to make it look more at home on a Mac derived theme. Outpost is a superb firewall that is easy to use and configure, and can use presets for P2P applications and also run plug-ins such as this one.
The file is available here.
This is a modified (Reshacked) version of the Traffic Led plug-in for the excellent Outpost Firewall (Pro V2) by www.agnitium.com
The original LED plug-in is available at http://www.outpostfirewall.com/forum/forum...p?s=&forumid=66 .
Outpost can be operated in a Stealth mode so that all that is visible is the LED traffic indicator.
Download the original traffic LED plug-in from http://www.outpostfirewall.com/forum/forum...p?s=&forumid=66. Then shut down and exit Outpost. Then replace the file "traffled.ofp" located usually in "C:\Program Files\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall\Plugins\TraffLed" with the new version in this zip file. Then restart Outpost. Job done.
This works fine for me using XP SP1, so if this does not work for you, then sorry but you will have to figure it out yourself.