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  1. Is there any way that a "Save as type = m3u" could be added as a new feature with this plug-in? Itunes will import from m3u playlists but will not export a playlist as an m3u.
  2. You know, if Microsoft were to realease a system theme updater and charge serious money for it, a) it wouldn't work as well as this and it wouldn't look as good and complete as this. Many thanks for this.
  3. I have modifed the traffic LED plugin for Outpost Firewall to make it look more at home on a Mac derived theme. Outpost is a superb firewall that is easy to use and configure, and can use presets for P2P applications and also run plug-ins such as this one. The file is available here. This is a modified (Reshacked) version of the Traffic Led plug-in for the excellent Outpost Firewall (Pro V2) by www.agnitium.com The original LED plug-in is available at http://www.outpostfirewall.com/forum/forum...p?s=&forumid=66 . Outpost can be operated in a Stealth mode so that all that is visible is the LED traffic indicator. Instructions. Download the original traffic LED plug-in from http://www.outpostfirewall.com/forum/forum...p?s=&forumid=66. Then shut down and exit Outpost. Then replace the file "traffled.ofp" located usually in "C:\Program Files\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall\Plugins\TraffLed" with the new version in this zip file. Then restart Outpost. Job done. This works fine for me using XP SP1, so if this does not work for you, then sorry but you will have to figure it out yourself.
  4. This was reported in the 5th post in this thread. This is a major embuggeration within iTunes.
  5. What is the world coming to? Now there is a Mac version of WMP9. I saw this over at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsme...sx/default.aspx . There is supposed to be a new "brushed" skin.
  6. I think another good feature to add would be to offer an Always on Top function for the main player window. Also could you create a Focus control that would disable the way that iTunes grabs focus when buffering a download and the track plays for a few seconds and grabs focus as the play begins?
  7. Where is the new version? The original link appears to have V1.
  8. I downloaded ms.net.framework v1.1 today and ran Update but I did not see any updates. The Titlebar skinner now works but not quite correctly. Some of the title bar graphics are misplaced horizontally. Getting there slowly but I can see how good this is going to look when finally sorted out. Keep up the excellent work.
  9. Yeah, sure and the external program works very well. It would just be much better if it could be integrated into iTunes.
  10. There is an XML playlist to m3u converter that someone on here created. Perhaps there could be some way to transfer the name of an iTunes selected playlist and then call up the external program?
  11. evolution - The thing I would really like to be able to do is to export playlists to m3u from within iTunes. If you could do that - brilliant.
  12. Works well except that the "Always on Top" dialogue may be missleading. Perhaps the dialogue should read "Always on Top in Mini mode". Many thanks for this.
  13. I still get the same error with the new version.
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