I have a razr, and I was thrilled with it, especially the design of it. But now everyone and their mothers has one, plus its a bit lacking in features, IMO the best phone right now is the k750i from sony ericsson, which I plan on getting once I get the unlock code from cingular customer service.
I would say you PNWT Gill/NC/et al, but I just remembered the time you almost got expelled for saying FECK OFF WANKER KNOCUTS on your blog, only to be read by your headmaster...so whos PWNT NOW BOYO?
Hello fellow emulators!
Yes, I want to know how to put buttons, terminate/minimize/maximize, on left hand side like mac, I hear new program is in development from russia, but not too sure, can anyone help me?
I too remember those times when I wasn't a snobby mac user, and you yourself weren't intoxicated with your position as newsposter But then again, who really remembers right?
lol. It's not unbe who scared everyone away, and if you knew him you'd know he's as cuddly as a FAO Shwartz bear. Seriously though, look at the list: BZ (switched). Ibanez (switched). Stefanka (switched). Ultraman (switched). Hell even Hobbes switched. Pe8er (switched). Susumu (switched). Excuse me for saying so but youre not left with much of the "original" talent that used to populate these forums. Sure there are still a couple but not the good ole' boys of yesteryear. All you're left with now for the most part, are porters.