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  1. sort of does the same thing, but I used this method because it literally does not load anything else at startup without my first consenting to it.
  2. I always hated the fact that in Windows, little programs could sneak their way into the startup lists in the registry. Finally after my computer slows to a crawl, I open my tray to see 30 icons. I found out a way to completely take control of what your computer loads at startup. I recommend that only advanced and power users follow this tutorial. Please realize that following these steps will stop newly installed programs from adding anything to your startup (like icons in your tray). Everything here is completely and safely reversible, this is not a hack of any kind 1. Get out a piece of paper and open the registry editor, if you don't know how to open it simply type regedit into the run box and press enter. 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun 3. Copy ALL of the programs to your piece of paper, these entries consist of programs that run when ANY user logs on. (system wide) 4. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun 5. Copy ALL of the programs to your piece of paper, these entries only consist of programs that run on the user level. 6. You will now want to lay out a structure for your startup, to add to the modded effect of your system, you most likely would load programs like object bar, a dock, avedesk, konfabulator, samurize, vanimator, etc, to load everytime, regardless of what user it is (so you have your basic Mac system no matter what). If you want to set up programs that only load when a specific user logs on, you will have to log onto that user before setting up Now that you have your startup list together, you may want to go through the files with a fine tooth comb to see what they do. I usually just google the executable name, and just about everytime I get a hit on some site that gives you process information, this is a lot of help to determine what you need to keep, and what you can throw away. Now we will disable the registry startup lists, and set up the new startup lists that you will control 1. In the run box, type gpedit.msc and press enter 2. Under computer configuration, navigate to Administrative TemplatesSystemLogon 3. In the right column, double click on "Do not process the legacy run list", then click on enable. This is the step that disables the system wide run list from the registry 4. Then double click on "Run these programs at user logon" 5. From your new system wide startup list, add each path and executable to the list 6. Now under User Configuration, navigate to Administrative TemplatesSystemLogon 7. Do the same as step 3 and 4, enter all the programs you would like THAT USER to run at logon (this is for programs that you only want certain users accessing) for now on, the startup is completely under your control!!! You can always go in and add or delete entries at your leisure. No more surprises Now if you install a program that requires something to be ran at startup, just peek at the startup lists in the registry and see what it added, then add it to your list TO REVERSE: 1. Open gpedit.msc 2. Under both User and Computer Configuration, change "Do not process the legacy run list" to "Not Configured" or "Disabled", then disable "Run these programs at user logon" That's it, it's reversed Note: This will not affect programs that are located in the startup folder, but at least it's alot easier to administer that
  3. Hi everyone, sorry I haven't updated you guys. I've been tied up with setting up a new home theater pc in my living room. I am back on working on the .net version. It might take a while because I want to make it really full featured and stable when i release it.
  4. This dimensions out ok: Public mSearchClass As New Microsoft.Windows.DesktopSearch.Query.SearchDesktopClass it gives me three methods .ExecuteQuery .ExecuteSelectQuery .GetType but that's all,
  5. so far I added the WDSQuery.dll, as a reference. I have tried to dimension the object but it always gives me an error So far I tried this Dim mSearchDesktop as New Microsoft.Windows.DesktopSearch.Query
  6. I really want to use the windows desktop search for my program, but I literally cannot find anything on it using vb.net. I do have a C# sample program but I don't understand C#. I guess eventually someone will put some info on the internet about it
  7. I think everybody is a little misunderstood about the multiple versions thing. Me and Saladin have exchanged notes, the only problem is he works in Visual C .net, where I work in VB .net. We both don't know enough about each others programs to be able to work together indefinetely, but we have tried our best to provide each other with as much knowhow as possible. Saladin has definetely been a large part of the development of spotlight, he has helped me a lot. We are both working hard to create something awesome, who cares who releases it as long as it's good. Besides, it's good when this kind of thing happens. People get into a race to see who can make the best build, the result is it makes us try harder and release way better programs.
  8. Hey everybody, I'm working on the .net version and it's coming great. It will be so much faster than the other ones since the old one loaded the results into listboxes, this one will load them into string tables (all of the sorting will go on completely in memory).
  9. Sorry it's taking so long, I have been working on the core of the program. I am taking my time building the core to make sure it's efficient and bulletproof (no errors). So far .net is handling everything well, searches are fast and accurate.
  10. a fatal error has occurred: System information: ------------------- Machine Name: TOMLAPP OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Manufacturer: eMachines, Inc. Model: Imperial System Type: X86-based PC Total RAM: 765MB Processors Count: 1 -IntelĀ® PentiumĀ® 4 CPU 2.40GHz at 2392Mhz Bios: PTLTD - 6040000 Current Date/Time: 6/29/2005 2:50:07 PM TimeZone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) Graphic information: -------------------- Device: 0 Name: NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 GDI Name: .DISPLAY1 Display Mode: 1152x864 at 70Hz X8R8G8B8 ID: 171 Revision: 163 SubSystem ID: 0 Vendor ID: 10de WHQL Level: 0 GUID: d7b71e3e-4231-11cf-a57f-0a2002c2cb35 Driver: nv4_disp.dll Driver Version: MultiSample Types: None, NonMaskable, Max Texture Size: 2048x2048 Max MultiTexturing: 2 Non ^2 Textures: True Assembly information: --------------------- Application Domain: Sinapse.exe Application Path: C:DownloadsSinapse_v0-1.1 Application Codebase: file:///C:/Downloads/Sinapse_v0-1.1/Sinapse.exe Assembly Full Name: Sinapse, Version=1.0.1832.23750, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Assembly Version: 1.0.1832.23750 Exception information: ---------------------- Exception Type: System.TypeInitializationException Exception Source: Sinapse.Core Exception Message: The type initializer for 'Sinapse.Core.SinapseWindow' threw an exception. Exception Target Site: set_Script Stack Trace information: ------------------------ Sinapse.Core.SinapseCore.set_Script Sinapse.Core.SinapseCore.LoadConfig Sinapse.Core.SinapseCore..ctor Sinapse.Core.SinapseCore.GetInstance Sinapse.SinapseMain.Main
  11. realitybath1 - you are CORRECT excluding Itunes in the windowblinds config fixed the problem immediately, thank you
  12. I am getting a double titlebar when I open itunes. You see the mac titlebar with the windows one on top of it. Anyone know what i'm doing wrong. I uninstalled the old mplugin and installed the new one
  13. good thinking, it shouldn't be complicated at all to integrate spotlight into the new finder clone.
  14. yeah, I send him a private message, waiting to hear back
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