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About Larsen2k4

  • Birthday 11/29/1985

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  1. Nice work schmrom - although it reminds me of the Vista Virtual Desktop Manager (http://www.codeplex.com/vdm) - did you use the source-code? (just wanna know )
  2. Hey there Just wanted to show off my desk: Vista Business with "a touch of OS X Leopard" Clean Desk: Started Sidebar (sidebar closed, all Gadgets undocked )
  3. Hooow many cows had to die for this icon? xD Nice work Leonhart
  4. The Eye-Button ist the button for activating QuickLook: http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/quicklook.html The Gear-Button is called "Action-Menu" - it's sort of the Windows context menu, that dynamically changes depending which file or folder you have selected (with options like "New Folder" etc.)
  5. Runs like a champ with RocketDock 1.3.5 (Windows Vista)
  6. I just saw X-Finder from leo_osx and he's done really good work so far - really amazing Well, I can tell you that I'm a long way behind him. All the features he's already done on his version are only written on some sheets of paper here on my version. I think X-Finder is a good alternative and I know that I still have much to do. But I hope that you're pleased to have at least one new allround-Finder now. exploriX will be finished one day, I'm sure ... but not now and not here. I just have to much to do actually and I won't give up my last bit of freetime just for finishing this app, which isn't needed urgently anymore. I'll give you all a sign, if I have some news to report on the development, but I don't know when. Greetings and thanks for your patience Larsen
  7. Just updated to 6.0.1 - as already said the MPlugin still works fine after reinstallation
  8. Simply activate the options "Use margin hotstpot". If problems still occour, active "Never take focus".
  9. http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/standalone.html Here you go
  10. iTunes just feels naked without MPlugin :cool:
  11. lol ... http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/showpost.ph...231&postcount=3 Exactly what I thought
  12. Haha... I already installed iTunes6 yesterday Plugin starts without any problems
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