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About chiwou

  • Birthday 11/04/1982

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  1. just updated GDI and my config files didn't work anymore new syntax :/ here is the new default example (very smooth, MacOS like) [General] ; Applied automatically to the child process ; [0:Disable] 1:Enable HookChildProcesses=1 [Rasterize] ; HINTINGU method ; 0: NoHinting [1: Normal] 2: AutoHinting 3: Light HintingMode=0 ; Antialiasing method ; 0: Disable [1: Grayscale] 2: SubPixel (RGB) 3: SubPixel (BGR) AntiAliasMode=1 ; Weight standard ; -32: +32 NormalWeight=0 ; Wait for Bold ; -16: +16 BoldWeight=0 ; How the slope of the Italic ; -16: +16 ItalicSlant=0 ; Adjusting the thickness ; -32: +32 Saturation=0 [Misc] ; Gdi + + to handle the maximum size (in pixels) ; 0-2147483647 MaxHeight=72 ; Use a gamma correction ; [0: Disable] 1: Enable GammaCorrection=0 ; Alpha values to interpolate ; 0-16 Interpolation=0 ; To use a vertical ; [0: Disable] 1: Enable VerticalText=0 ; Priority list of modules ; [0: Deny] 1: Allow 2: Allow-> Deny ModuleListOrder=0 [FreeType] ; FT_Library_SetLcdFilter parameters for ; [0: None] 1: Default 2: Light 16: Legacy LcdFilter=0 ; FreeType skip the version check ; [0: Check] 1: Skip SkipVersionCheck=0 [Cache] ; Cash MaxFamilies=8 MaxStyles=12 MaxBytes=8388608 [Individual] ; Set different font ; Format: FontName=Hinting,AAMode,NormalWeight,BoldWeight,ItalicSlant,Saturation Tahoma=0 [FontLink] ; Things like font links ; Format: FontName=Name1,Name2,Name3, ... ,Name16 Tahoma = MS UI Gothic, SimSun, PMingLiU Lucida Sans Unicode = MS UI Gothic MS UI Gothic = SimSun, PMingLiU Microsoft Sans Serif = MS UI Gothic [Exclude] ; Font Negative Marlett [AllowModule] ; Module list permissions [DenyModule] ; List module denied [UnloadDLL] ; Process do not want to Rhodes my current config, not optimized (but very sharp and clear) [General] HookChildProcesses=1 [Rasterize] HintingMode=3 AntiAliasMode=2 NormalWeight=0 BoldWeight=0 ItalicSlant=0 Saturation=5 [Misc] MaxHeight=150 GammaCorrection=0 VerticalText=0 ModuleListOrder=0 [FreeType] LcdFilter=1 [Cache] MaxFamilies=8 MaxStyles=12 MaxBytes=8388608 [Individual] #Tahoma=1 #ƒƒCƒŠƒI=1 #‚r‚g ‚f30-P=1 #‚r‚g ‚f30-M=1 #MingLiU=1 #PMingLiU=1 #MeiryoKe_Gothic=1 #MeiryoKe_PGothic=1 #MeiryoKe_UIGothic=1 [FontLink] #Tahoma = MS UI Gothic, SimSun, PMingLiU #Lucida Sans Unicode = MS UI Gothic #Microsoft Sans Serif = MS UI Gothic [Exclude] Marlett [AllowModule] [DenyModule] gditray.exe [UnloadDLL] imejpmgr.exe msdev.exe devenv.exe
  2. Hi there, new to gdi++ but I love it here is my config, for all who don't want to read the readme [General] Name=Default Icon="%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll",27 #HookChildProcesses #gdi++ is applied to child processes. HookChildProcesses=1 #AlternativeFile #The specified file (relative paths can be used) is used instead of "gdi++.ini". [FreeType] #FontLoader #The method how to load fonts. # 0: Use FreeType # 1: Use GetGlyphOutline() #(This changes behaviours of some options, so be careful) FontLoader=0 #WidthMode #The method how to determine widths of characters. # 0: Use the same width with the original GDI32 # (characters may sometimes displayed condensed or expanded weirdly) # 1: Use the width measured by FreeType # (looks good, but characters may sometimes be layouted glitchly) WidthMode=0 #HintingMode #The method of hinting. #(if FontLoader == 0) # 0: Use FreeType's bytecode interpreter # (this option conflics with the patent problems in some regions. # 1: Use no hints # 2: Use FreeType's auto-hinting # the value '0' will be equivalent to '2' if the bytecode interpreter of the FreeType library is disabled. #(if FontLoader == 1) # 0: Use hints # 1: Use no hints # 2: Use hints with the fix for garble character problem HintingMode=1 #FontLink #The method how to deal with FontLink. #(if FontLoader == 0) # 0: Do nothing # 1: Find glyphs from other fonts based on the information on the registry #(if FontLoader == 0) # Always enabled, but depends on WIN32API. The value will be ignored FontLink=0 #FontSubstitutes #The method how to deal with FontSubstitutes. #(if FontLoader == 0) # 1: Substitute fonts based on the information on the [FontSubstitutes] section of this file # 2: Substitute fonts based on the information on the registry and the [FontSubstitutes] section #(if FontLoader == 1) # Always enabled, but depends on WIN32API. The value will be ignored. FontSubstitutes=2 #AntiAliasMode #The method how to antialias the characters. # -1: Disable antialiasing # 0: Enable antialiasing with 256 levels of grey # 1: Enable 'Light' mode # (According to the Freetype reference, you'll get the result like Max OS X.) # 2: Enable a method For LCD # 3: Enable a method For LCD (reversed arrangement to the value '2') # HintingMode should be '2' when you set this value to '1'. # 'Light' mode will decrease distortions of the glyphs. AntiAliasMode=1 #BolderMode #The method how to bold the glyphs. #(if FontLoader == 0) # 0: Use the algorithm after gdi0440 # 1: Use the algorithm before gdi0424 # 2: Use the algorithm before gdi0347 # (the original FreeType method) #(if FontLoader == 1) # The value will be ignored. BolderMode=0 #ForceChangeFont #The specified font is forced to be used system-widely. #Use this option only when you see how the font is displayed temporarily. #ForceChangeFont=0 #TextTuning, TextTuningR, TextTuningG, TextTuningB #The glyphs are sharpened by the specified value. #Be careful that large values would be too edgy. # -1: Disabled # 0-12: Extent to sharpen #TextTuning should be used when AntiAliasMode is either 0 or 1. #TextTuningR / TextTuningG / TextTuningB should be used when AntiAliasMode is either 2 or 3. TextTuning=-1 #TextTuningR=1 #TextTuningG=1 #TextTuningB=1 #NormalWeight #The specified value changes the weight of regular fonts relatively. # -64 - +64: Extent to bold NormalWeight=1 RenderWeight=1 #BoldWeight #The specified value changes the weight of bold fonts relatively. # -32 - +32: Extent to bold # (values less than zero makes the glyphs thin) #(if FontLoader == 1) #The value will be ignored. BoldWeight=0 #ItalicSlant #The specified value changes the slant of italic fonts relatively. # -32 - +32: Extent to slant #(if FontLoader == 1) #The value will be ignored. ItalicSlant=0 #MaxHeight #Bypass when the font is bigger than the specified height. # 0: Always enabled (default) MaxHeight=0 #UseInclude #The method how to specify bypassed modules. # 0: Enable [ExcludeModule] section (default) # 1: Enable [IncludeModule] section #If you want to apply gdi++ only to some applications using "gdippManager.exe", you should set it to '1' and use [IncludeModule]. ########The following options are not for all people, so please use them at your own risk.######## #LoadOnDemand #Load fonts when TextOut() and the other function are called, instead of CreateFont(). #Don't enable this on weak PCs. #LoadOnDemand #Use memory mapping when loading fonts. #(if FontLoader == 1) #The value will be ignored. #LcdFilter #The parameters which send to FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(). #Use this option when FreeType is 2.3.0 or greater. # 0: None # 1: Default # 2: Light # 16: Legacy # Legacy seems the same algorithm to LibXft. LcdFilter=0 #Shadow #Draw shadows around the glyphs, at the offset position (x,y) in transparency of 100/t (%). #Format: Shadow=x,y,t #(x>0, y>0, t>0, no parameters are optional) #Shadow=1,1,1 #CacheMaxFaces, CacheMaxSizes, CacheMaxBytes #The parameters which send to FTC_Manager_New(). For details, see the manual of FreeType. #gdi++ doesn't check the value, so it may get panic when you set the value too large. CacheMaxFaces=32 CacheMaxSizes=32 CacheMaxBytes=4194304 #GammaMode #The method how to deal with the gamma correction. # -1: Disabled # 0: Use the value of GammaValue. # 1: Use the value of sRGB. GammaMode=0 #GammaValue #The gamma value (0.0625 - 10.0). The default value of ClearType is 1.4. #This value is enabled only when GammaMode = 0. GammaValue=1.4 #Contrast #The contrast of glyphs (0.0625 - 10.0). Contrast=0.9 [Individual] #Each font is configurated by the specified value individually. #Format: # Fontname=Hinting,AntiAliasMode,NormalWeight,BoldWeight,ItalicSlant,Kerning #You don't have to specify all values. The common value will be used if you keep the value blank. [Exclude] #The specified fonts are bypassed. Marlett Consolas ProFontWin [ExcludeModule] #The modules which should not be applied. fontview.exe msdev.exe devenv.exe gditray.exe [IncludeModule] #The modules which should be applied. [FontSubstitutes] and here the default example, don't like it [General] Name=Example HookChildProcesses=1 #AlternativeFile= [FreeType] HintingMode=2 AntiAliasMode=2 ForceChangeFont= TextTuning=0 TextTuningR=0 TextTuningG=0 TextTuningB=0 BolderMode=0 GammaMode=1 GammaValue=2.2 Contrast=1.0 NormalWeight=0 BoldWeight=0 ItalicSlant=0 MaxHeight=0 LoadOnDemand=0 UseMapping=0 #LcdFilter=0 #Shadow=1,1,4 CacheMaxFaces=0 CacheMaxSizes=0 CacheMaxBytes=0 [Individual] ????=0 MS P????=,0,, Arial=,,,,,1 [Exclude] Marlett Tahoma [ExcludeModule] fontview.exe
  3. 1. Samurize Taskbar client 2. its not a Taskbar its ObjectBar 3. its not Windows 4. http://www.truelaunchbar.com/ mmh perhaps there a thousands of solutions, but I don't know them all
  4. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/62205109/ Wallpaper Edition from one of my photos
  5. infos and download @devArt http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/57852508/ //Update V2.0
  6. looks like a book with an apple sticker
  7. Sony GDM-FW900 best screen ever
  8. the FontOverride font is now in the Appearance Options Display Properties Appearance / Advanced
  9. C4D render ... Download @devart orig res: 4000x3000 render time: >30h 2560x1600 2048x1536
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