My evidence: A bowling ball placed on a moving platform will not stay stationary, the same with anything with wheels, there will be a 'backwards' force exerted on the wheel/ball. therefore the plane can be moved backwards by a the treadmill. 1) If the treadmill matches the foward speed of the plane, it will probaly not be moving enough to prevent the plane from taking off. Therefore the plane will take off. 2) If the treadmill is programed to prevent froward motion through any means nesicary, the plane will not move froward. The engines can only put out so much thrust, but the treadmill is infinite. Therefore the plane will not take off. someone needs to do an expirement. A tiny cart on a treadmill, with a magnet on it, and another pulling it to emulate the engine. Who has a hotwheel and a tredmill at home?