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Everything posted by dpsleep

  1. excelent vs, my favorit of all i have ever used.
  2. hmm, i kno i had it working before, i just re-installed windows so i had to re-install my server. ill go thru my php.ini file and see if i can find anything in there. i have php talking to itunes though so i can veiw song titles change songs and veiw artwork, onlt crappy thing is the whole it running its own itunes... oh and i might make a version for mac if i can figure it out. but i dont have a mac so ill have to use the ones at school most likely and well, those are just restricted as hell..
  3. so i started on my little desklet when i ran into a little bump i need some help with, when i call the new COM("iTunes.Application") php-cgi seems to want to run its own "user" of itunes in its own little world. meaning it wont work with my current itunes setup, i need to exit itunes and let it launch its own instance of itunes by itself, and this can be quite annoying. i was just wondering if anyone knew what was going on here. as of progress ive got most the php work done i just need to build the desklet. oh and i was wondering if anyone knew how to make like a one run exe file that automaticly runs the server and all without need for configuration. it would make it allot easyer for the end user. thx for any help on my little problem. dpsleep
  4. you should try getting the window the way u want it and exit the app by holding ctrl and clicking the close button, this tells windows to open that app in the same way it was closed. might work....
  5. man, i could do this if it were pc to pc but with the mac involved i dont really know what i could do because i dont really know what to use in place of the com interface in windows. i think ill give it a shot with some of the script ive already made but beond windows i dont know what i can do.
  6. and there arnt enuf ppl here?
  7. was just trying it out, though you could use somthing else...
  8. i was just playing with meadia wiki on my server when i thought why doesnt aqua-soft have a wiki. a nice tidy place with tips on skining, graphic desghn, etc. dont know, just throwing that out there. dpsleep
  9. oh thanks, i thought i looked at this package but i guess not... lets see how the icon looks edit: oh crap its a sit, could anyone unarchive and send to me?
  10. hmm, im not seeing it could you point me to where it is on the site?
  11. i dont know if such a icon exists and if it doesnt ill just make my own but i was wondering if anyone has made a 2 liter bottle icon. thanks, dpsleep
  12. /s inastalls, perfect. ive been waiting for that feature forever. thx allot flyakite
  13. just an update to the php file, now all u need is http://cycodude.com/cookie.php?text=name for what instead of the long complicated adress it will strip out the" for "and the space before and after it
  14. shure, ill post it in just a sec http://www.cycodude.com/cookie.zip
  15. well i was bored so i made a little gd/php script to show your cookie of appreciation http://cycodude.com/cookie.php?text[]=PERSONS NAME&text[]=WHAT THEY DID example: http://cycodude.com/cookie.php?text[]=Kevi...elping%20Austin the cookie could be better but im lazy, anyways, just though someone would find this amuseing
  16. wow, this is perfect, useing on intel mac now...
  17. im useing one right now and i can tell you, definetly wait.
  18. did u uncheck locked first, i had to do that to get mine to unhide oh and is there any way to skin the chat window?
  19. its looking for a weird directory, see the double slash between mydocs and desklets. its not looking for program files/avedesk its looking in your docks/desklets. dont know why its doing it though
  20. overall, objectbar seems to just be a bad program that is way, way past an update. i think there is a setting in the config that lets you make ob not controll or use the windows key. cant confirm it since i havent installed it in over a year.
  21. hey, jw, is there a way to make it so u dont have to hold alt then enter to send a msg? and when u type in the chat box the text shows up gray but in the msg area is shows up black. anyways, thx for the GREAT tut, made me switch too.
  22. wow, this is great, ive been waiting for this. thx allot pcm!!!
  23. yea, 0.4 is still very buggy. some things need to be improved like the object dock and y'z dock compatability and effects.
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