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Everything posted by pjryan3

  1. Wow, I love these! Thanks sooo much. I also use them for my Gmail desklet. Make more make more. Like famous bands/artists like the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Coldplay, Bob Dylan, The Who, Simon and Garfunkel, John Denver, Elvis Presley, The Monkeys, JOHNNY CASH!, Gordon Lightfoot, James Taylor, Springsteen and E Street Band, Paul Mcartney, again Coldplay , The Three Tenors, Ella Fiztgerald, Duke Ellington, ... ok the list is endless but at least make the Stones, Beatles and Coldplay ones pleeeeeeaaaase!!!?!
  2. Great work! I've been using it. The artwork does load faster. Like having a choice of color for the ipod too. Keep up the good work. Please keep adding on. Love it!
  3. oops. I did that originally but it saved as a text document. ah well it worked this time. Thanks though.
  4. The download link doesn't work. Can you fix it?
  5. @ MarkMS, where can I get that cool wallpaper?! -Paul
  6. please me too? pjryan3@hotmail.com Thanks so much
  7. Fantastic! Thanks! You rock ave!
  8. Wish I could buy your ibook but I'm saving up money for a powerbook. Anyways I was just sent a coupon for $30 off a $300 purchase from Apple (because I just bought my first song from the iTMS) which I won't use cause I'm saving up. Just wondering if anybody else wants it. It expires in 14 days from today. I'll send it to ya just let me know. Good luck in selling your ibook.
  9. at musashisama, it has for me but only when I put it in full screen.
  10. I found one that doesn't have energy bliss but has a lot of other cool visualisations. You should check it out! http://www.giofx.net/win/index.htm download eyephedrine. -Paul p.s. if you've found any other visualisations worth using for itunes could you let me know? thanks.
  11. You can open it up with WinRar and then manually install by placing the "iPod" folder into the skins folder of avetunes. Then it should work. Hope that works for ya.
  12. Can anyone put up some screenshots of some of the skins? bzeitler's "bigger shot" link doesn't work. thanks.
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