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About Mercifull

  • Birthday 08/27/1984

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  1. I already tried that. Removed from the prog files folder and also from the documents and settings/my username/... folder too. still got the problem
  2. Latest iTunes hotkeys feature is totally borked tho. On my pc when i press a hotkey it registers twice. So if i press mute it mutes and unmutes in about a second. Same if i try to pause/play. Disgraceful. Should have been tested
  3. How do i uninstall the plugin? I deleted the dll but its still showing in itunes as being installed in View>Visualiser. Hotkeys are still not working properly [[update]] Turns out deleted the plugin still doesn't fix the problem in iTunes 7.1. well done apple. *sarchasicly slow clapping*
  4. Mmmm odd. The old plugin 0.65 worked nativly with hotkeys. 0.66 broke and i downloaded this dll which yesterday worked. However today it has stopped working :-/ I have not changed any settings
  5. Most programs will read the CurrentTrack.txt fine. The problem I was having is because mIRC doesnt support unicode. You should be able to pull off info from the text file very easily into other programs. Below is my full mIRC script to work with this plugin. Feel free to modify or whatever ; ############################################## ; # Matt Sims' iTunes Now Playing Script v.0.4 # ; # My first attempt at a proper mIRC script # ; # Works with the iTunes Multi-Plugin # ; # Needs the mIRC_iTunes.dll to work # ; # Copyright Matt Sims (c) 2005 # ; # www.mattsims.com mattsims@evilmerc.com # ; ############################################## ; You use it in the script the following way: ; $dll(mIRC_iTunes.dll, GetInfo, *INFOSTRING*) ; The value of that will be the string pointed by *INFOSTRING* formatted with the requested data, if it is available. ; the *INFOSTRING* is a string without quotes, which uses the following formatting tags ; !Playlist - The play list that the track is in ; !Album ; !Artist ; !Name - Song name ; !Genre ; !Grouping ; !Composer ; !DiscCount ; !DiscNumber ; !Position - The player's position within the currently playing track ; !Duration ; !TimeLeft - The time left for the track to play ; !PlayCount ; !Rating ; !TrackCount ; !TrackNumber ; !Year ; !BitRate ; !SampleRate ; !Kind - The file type of the track. ; ############################################## ; BEGIN Now playing alias alias np { %details = ( $+ !Album $+ , !Genre $+ , !Year $+ , !BitRate $+ kbps, !TimeLeft $+ ) if (%np.extended == on) { /say $dll(mIRC_iTunes.dll, GetInfo, [Now Playing] !Artist - !Name %details) } else { /say $dll(mIRC_iTunes.dll, GetInfo, [Now Playing] !Artist - !Name) } } ; END Now playing alias ; ############################################## ; BEGIN Right Click menu controls menu status,channel,query,nicklist,menu,chat { .- .iTunes Now playing:/np .iTunes Controls .Play/Pause:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,PlayPause,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } .< Previous:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,PreviousTrack,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } .> Next:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,NextTrack,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } .Advanced Controls ..Open iTunes:run itunes ..Close iTunes:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,Quit,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } ..iTunes Control Panel:/dialog -mdieo iPanel iPanel .Contact Matt Sims:run http://www.mattsims.com/page.php?page=contact } ; END Right Click menu controls ; ############################################## ; BEGIN Control Panel dialog iPanel { title "iTunes Control Panel" size -1 -1 184 40 option pixels button "< prev", 1, 0 0 40 20, push button "play/pause", 2, 40 0 70 20, push button "stop", 3, 110 0 30 20, push button "next >", 4, 140 0 44 20, push button details in output: %np.extended, 5, 0 20 184 20, push } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:1:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,PreviousTrack,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:2:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,PlayPause,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:3:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,Stop,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:4:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,NextTrack,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:5:{ if (%np.extended == on) { %np.extended = off /did -r iPanel 5 /did -a iPanel 5 details in output: %np.extended } else { %np.extended = on /did -r iPanel 5 /did -a iPanel 5 details in output: %np.extended } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:close:*:{ if ($com(itunes)) { /comclose itunes } } ; END Control Panel ; ################# END SCRIPT #################
  6. Here is a simplified version if this helps alias np { %iTunes.dir = C:Program FilesiTunesCurrentTrack.txt %artist = $read(%iTunes.dir , 2) %song = $read(%iTunes.dir , 3) %album = $read(%iTunes.dir , 4) %genre = $read(%iTunes.dir , 6) %year = $read(%iTunes.dir , 15) %time = $read(%iTunes.dir , 8) %details = ( $+ %album $+ , %genre $+ , %year $+ , %time $+ ) /say [Now Playing] %artist - %song %details } the ,2 refers to the line number that the info is on.
  7. ; ############################################## ; # Matt Sims' iTunes Now Playing Script v.0.1 # ; # My first attempt at a proper mIRC script # ; # Works with the iTunes Multi-Plugin # ; # Copyright Matt Sims (c) 2005 # ; # [url]www.mattsims.com[/url] [email]mattsims@evilmerc.com[/email] # ; ############################################## alias np { %iTunes.dir = C:Program FilesiTunesCurrentTrack.txt %artist = $read(%iTunes.dir , 2) %song = $read(%iTunes.dir , 3) %album = $read(%iTunes.dir , 4) %genre = $read(%iTunes.dir , 6) %year = $read(%iTunes.dir , 15) %time = $read(%iTunes.dir , 8) %output = %artist 6-5 %song %details = 3( $+ %album $+ , %genre $+ , %year $+ , %time $+ ) if (%np.extended == on) { /say 6[10Now Playing6]7 %artist 6-5 %song %details } else { /say 6[10Now Playing6]7 %artist 6-5 %song } ; if (%np.extended == on) { ; %extended = %details ; } ; /say 6[10Now Playing6]7 %artist 6-5 %song %extended } ; BEGIN Right Click menu controls menu status,channel,query,nicklist,menu,chat { .- .iTunes Now playing:/np .iTunes Controls .Play/Pause:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,PlayPause,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } .< Previous:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,PreviousTrack,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } .> Next:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,NextTrack,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } .Advanced Controls ..Open iTunes:run itunes ..Close iTunes:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,Quit,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } ..iTunes Control Panel:/dialog -mdieo iPanel iPanel .Contact Matt Sims:run [url]http://www.mattsims.com/page.php?page=contact[/url] } ; END Right Click menu controls ; BEGIN Control Panel dialog iPanel { title "iTunes Control Panel" size -1 -1 184 40 option pixels button "< prev", 1, 0 0 40 20, push button "play/pause", 2, 40 0 70 20, push button "stop", 3, 110 0 30 20, push button "next >", 4, 140 0 44 20, push button details in output: %np.extended, 5, 0 20 184 20, push } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:1:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,PreviousTrack,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:2:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,PlayPause,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:3:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,Stop,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:4:{ if (!$com(itunes)) { /comopen itunes iTunes.Application } %com.result = $com(itunes,NextTrack,3) if (%com.result==0) { echo -a Error: Make sure iTunes is open. } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:SCLICK:5:{ if (%np.extended == on) { %np.extended = off /did -r iPanel 5 /did -a iPanel 5 details in output: %np.extended } else { %np.extended = on /did -r iPanel 5 /did -a iPanel 5 details in output: %np.extended } } on *:DIALOG:iPanel:close:*:{ if ($com(itunes)) { /comclose itunes } } ; END Control Panel Thats my entire script. Its quite complex but the important bits are these lines %artist = $read(%iTunes.dir , 2) as its that which tries to import the data from the text file. IRC just cannot read unicode. I dont know what youve got it like that anyway it only needs to be plain text
  8. Im a bit of a pleb when it comes to mirc scripting, maybe you could point me in the right direction to set this up
  9. Looks normal when opened in notepad however. The script works when you remove those boxes manually from within editplus. If i "select all" from within editplus only the P is pasted :-/ When the boxes are deleted it works perfectly
  10. It seems to be double the filesize than it shoudl be. I opened it in editplus and see what it looks like... Theres boxes everwhere... My mIRC script picked up the P from the first letter on the first line. But those random boxes (or whatever they are) seem to mess everything else up
  11. I wish i hadnt upgraded to 4.8, im having issues with my mIRC script http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/showthread.php?t=25694
  12. Ok so i just downloaded iTunes 4.8 which stopped the old Multi-Plugin working so I downloaded the new Multi-Plugin 6. I dont use many features of the plugin except for the text file with the song data in it. In the new version of the plug-in this text file is called CurrentTrack.txt instead of CurrentSong.txt, I didnt think this would be too much of a problem and i quickly changed all references to this file in the mIRC script config. However my irc script still didnt work. I took the opportunity to do a rewrite of the script, clean and simple. It follows... alias npx { %iTunes.dir = C:Program FilesiTunesCurrentTrack.txt %artist = $read(%iTunes.dir , 2) %song = $read(%iTunes.dir , 3) %album = $read(%iTunes.dir , 4) %genre = $read(%iTunes.dir , 6) %year = $read(%iTunes.dir , 15) %time = $read(%iTunes.dir , 8) %details = ( $+ %album %genre %year %time $+ ) /say [Now Playing] %artist - %song %details } In theory this should make the following appear after typing /npx into mIRC <@Matt> [Now Playing] Blah - Waffle (Yadda yadda Talking 2005 3:42) however instead this happens <@Matt> [Now Playing] - ( ) I have tried all sorts to get it to work and I have come to the conclution that its the plug-in's fault making some kind of corrupted text file. Because if i make my own text file and enter data in the exact same layout as the one Multi-Plugin creates then it springs to life. Is there some kind of fix to get the plugin to make valid text outputs? The old versions worked fine but not this new one. Matt
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