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  1. Perfect Work! you are the king!
  2. oh, and two more things. correct if im wrong, but i remember in 10.4.2, when the manager is not opened, the more widget image would still appear on the right. and your font size (under dock icons) is a bit larger than the original.
  3. ha, i think by making the lower right corner of the bodyl.png transparent fixed the cutting off name problem.
  4. but have noticed when the "address book" and "unit converter" is placed as the first icons, the border kind of cuts off their names a bit... and i wonder if you could hide the last icon when the manager icon slids in from the left, 'cause when it dose, the last one gets cut off in half you know. but still, marvelous job you've done again!
  5. absolutely amazing work again SioSae! Thanks!!!
  6. SioSae, the link on freenet.de is still not working for me, and i notice the one on osx-e hasn't been updated yet. but i would really love to try out the pre release before the final one comes out, so would you please send it through email again? sooooooo sorry fro the inconvenience. and Great Work you've done again! form what i can see in the screenshot! Thanks!!!
  7. and when you click on the icons instead of dragging, it goes dark only once instead of glowing many times like you did in your dock.
  8. SioSae, i think the real dashboard dock on mac is doing the "desktop slide up" thing with a screenshot. and by the way, the more widgets arrow works as loop, which means you don't have to click on the other side's arrow to go back to the first page, try it.
  9. the widget manager in 10.4.2? this is gonna be great! just can't wait for your next update!
  10. thanks for sending me the file again SioSae. nice update! about the glowing effect. it doesn't seem to stop normally. most of time it leaves a bit of yellow on top of the icon, and i have to reload the dock to get rid of that. an option to enable/disable this function would be nice too.
  11. the document contains no data. maybe i'm wrong, but i think someone's trying to block your pages, including the first page of this thread. like every time i try to open it, it only loads half of the page and then everything just stops.
  12. i'm talking about the entire desktop slids upward when the widget dock appears at it's bottom (like on a mac) which means you might have a dock background (including the desktop screenshot) that covers the entire screen. but it can't be on topmost then.
  13. i have a suggestion! maybe you can leave a space on the background for a screenshot of the desktop. so that you cloud make the slide to top thing work. and we'll just have to make a screenshot of our own and replace your png background after installation. maybe even adding a half transparent black layer on top the screenshot.
  14. got your email! Thanks!!! playing with it right now
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