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Jack is cool.

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  1. speak of the devil, paralex Clean resize't
  2. hey hey hey now ellada calm down he means one that will push his desktop up, like how the dock is upped and the menu bar goes off screen, which, as of now, does not have a port. wait, ave probably has something up his sleeve
  3. whoah whoah whoah hibar. watch the half naked women
  4. search, i know there was a pack not to long ago with 4 or 5 of the sort
  5. sort of uncalled for shmengie what is ****tail? i know that its a censored word, then tail, but what censored word?
  6. WOW oh my dear lord these will remain on my desktop for a while now
  7. old news haha oxymoron. you can also use onyx; http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/11582 the suck effect is my favorite though
  8. Clean|Dirty I sure do love aqua extreme by the way, that site is one i made for my friend austen
  9. house is a goon and that picture scares me dual display? also, weird open/close buttons
  10. i think you could go to /users/YOU/library/preferences and delete com.apple.keychainaccess.plist dont take my word on this though
  11. very nice borg. link to adium contact list styles?
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