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stinkey diver

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Everything posted by stinkey diver

  1. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=139492797 comes with a 17" apple display.
  2. Well its not the latest but i was wondering what your thoughts would be on it. How much slower would it be than a intel cpu? or should i just save and get a new imac? all i want to do is a bit of music production and watch dvds and use the web really. im in new zealand and so is the auction btw. $1500 nz is around $1173 us. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Computers/A...-139492797.htm
  3. That big black big at the bottom is gross. Nice try but no cigar.
  4. What i hated about my 5th gen was A: I hate to constantly wipe it down because it got really filthy with fingerprints and dust (i eventually got a case) unlike my 4th gen which never got dirty at all. And B: it was super laggy when playing music. The menus were no where near as snappy as my 4th gen and you could forget about playing games while listining to music. I did however like the video playback.
  5. Looks like i sold my 5th gen just in time (i hated it!). But i wont be upgrading just yet. Ive still got a 4th gen which does what i need. Plays music. They should bring back wozniak to redo the whole ipod line IMHO.
  6. Look pretty good. I hope they run smoothly cause the lag on my 5th gen really annoys me.
  7. I hope it doesn't come out anytime soon, im planning on buying a new ipod this afternoon since my 4th gen broke.
  8. This demo might be of some interest. Interestingly its slightly thicker than the 80gb ipod.
  9. I dont really know much about it but i think its still in its early stages. Heres a good wiki on installing aiglx: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/In...tu/Dapper/AiGLX
  10. Go with aiglx. As far as I know, technically: 1. -Xgl is a Xorg fork, which replaces the whole X server -Aiglx is a Xorg extension and can be (un)loaded as your wishes 2. -Xgl is supported by Novell -Aiglx is supported by everyone 3. -Xgl delegates some functions to Mesa libraries and doesn't require drivers (often proprietary) supporting specific extensions -Aiglx delegates everything to drivers, so driver and video card role are central matters 4. -Xgl runs upon a runnign X server, so two graphical servers are running in the same moment -Aiglx is a simple extension and doesn't weigh down X
  11. more here: http://gnomethemes.org/?p=52
  12. you mean xgl. i suggest using beryl as your window manager.
  13. I dunno if this site has been posted before.. but here it is anyway:http://cimi.netsons.org/pages/murrine.php . Really nice Linux themes! Heres my ubuntu desktop:
  14. I think the new shuffle is pretty cool, but im not really into the way they made the nano look like a ipod mini. I thought the orginal nano look was alot nicer.
  15. Andrew W.K - Victory Strikes Again by FAR. On his album the Wolf.
  16. I concur. But most of the guys who write virus's do it mainly because they hate microsoft. Because allot of ms products have so many holes. So if ms made vista actually really secure, i'm sure allot of crackers would let down on creating virus's.
  17. It would be so great if they make vista so secure anti virus software wont be needed. Like OS x or Linux. Hah.
  18. IRRELEVANT FLAMING :: Member suspended for 1 day.
  19. what about desktop gadgets? are they as good as dashboard? I think its a bit of a joke vista needs such a good pc to run full spec, i mean look at os x and xgl/aiglx, they look just as good if not better and run on way older hardware. I dont care much for the icons ither...
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