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About deiphobus

  • Birthday November 30

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  1. Sometimes it's ok not to post anything at all, especially when it cannot contribute well to the discussion.
  2. You guys keep worrying about the technology and other technical stuff. That's not what games are about. It's always about the fun. That's why you call them games.
  3. If there's someone who will make Avedesk 2 support Windows Vista, it has to be the developer, Andreas.
  4. It might be not. I strongly believe that your question has no answer. It can't be done.
  5. A bluetooth connection? I'm not sure if that is possible but I am sure that the bandwidth a bluetooth connection has is not enough for internet connection sharing.
  6. Don't take this the wrong way or anything.. but they kid of look like worms. Not my taste but good job anyway.
  7. I presume you are using Windows. On the iTunes menu bar (File, Edit, Controls, etc...), click on View then click Hide Ministore ..............
  8. Hmmmm.... I don't think there is anything out there that will let you do that.... Maybe I'm wrong. Just wait.
  9. I must say, the interface is nice. But that will never change my view of AOL. I'll pass. Attached is a screenshot of the software.
  10. Links of Translator, PIDL, and WidgetDock are dead. oh man.
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