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- Birthday 06/22/1982
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Thanks, Ghostwalker That's not problem to get domain/web space, I just do not want to do it now.
I already don't like my web site's free hosting but don't want to pay for this now. Or maybe it's possible to disable advertisiment on current one for $5, will see. Please open about IcyRadio window and press "check for updates". There an exe where you can disable snap to screen function (to d'n'd between monitors). But, yes, notifier while on first monitor.
Not so fun as you think but thanks for understanding!
Charley: When will realize marks? Yesterday I very zaebalso to add on one station in playlist lol on "zaebalso". To the point: when I will have desire/free time Then will be good clear type smoothing etc. Husaini HB, CyLLlKA, May I help you? I've a source for this: limbo, You can add any custom radio station in Stations window. Or I've not understood question right? On text extraction: cool app! It's possible to use ICYRadio.log on app folder but there currently only song. Like this: 09.04.09 22:28:37; Steve Tyrell - ISN'T IT ROMANTIC 09.04.09 22:32:02; Tony Bennett - DON'T GET AROUND MUCH ANYMORE 10.04.09 17:36:25; Rod Stewart - WHERE OR WHEN
yorkey, I think it should work. It would be good to fix this nevertheless... devrexster, Thanks for feedback!
Charley, My friend takes interest whether it is possible to do what fonts were represented expressly (pixel in a pixel / dot-to-dot)?, because they are a bit washed out, regardless of size of font Please try this exe: http://ksoft.nm.ru/icyradio0.6.2.4exe.zip Yes, bug. Please use this settings for it's theme.ini: [ru] Да, баг Спасибо за его отлов! Вот полный theme.ini: (потом исправлю в архиве) [About] Author=Konstantin Sobol aka KSoft Comments= [General] shadowoffset = 3 ;shadow or glow of button [Visual] visible=1 x=155 y=52 h=18 w=6 space=1 Color=$FFFFFF [notifier] visible=1 x=67 y=23 w=155 h=40 FontColor=$000000 FontSize=11 [favourites] visible=1 x=307 y=47 [prewious] visible=1 x=19 y=20 [play] visible=1 x=57 y=15 [next] visible=1 x=103 y=19 [close] visible=1 x=307 y=15 [minimize] visible=1 x=307 y=30 [volume] type=0 visible=1 x=23 y=67 [record] visible=1 x=96 y=50 [track] visible=1 x=0 y=0 ;--------------------------------- [info] visible=1 x=148 y=30 w=152 h=18 FontColor=$FFFFFF [song] visible=1 visible=1 x=148 y=17 w=152 h=18 FontColor=$FFFFFF [bitrate] visible=1 x=220 y=44 w=48 h=15 FontColor=$FFFFFF [format] visible=1 x=270 y=44 w=43 h=15 FontColor=$FFFFFF [time] visible=1 x=240 y=57 w=43 h=15 FontColor=$FFFFFF FontSize=12
Yeah, I think this bar looks good too
I'm afraid that it's something in my code, not in other files. There are no changes in themes/dlls/settings since 0.6.2.
CyLLlKA Thank you for new skins! Almost like iPod Only volume slider twitches a bit at mouse hover. [ru]Большое спасибо за новые шкурки! Почти как iPod Только чут-чуть регулятор громкости передергивает при наведении курсора. Charley Oh, good ideas, Thanks! Especially I like checkmarks. Yes, there are trouble with next/prev. buttons. Sign in play list should appears twice if both items have the same url. I'll see if it's a bug. Классные идеи, спасибо! Мне особенно понравилось про галочки. Значки на иконках станций в плейлисте могут появляться если у обоих одинаковый url станции. Посмотрю, может там баг.
Ну хотя бы приблизительно чтобы все понимали и не нарушать правила форума http://www.translate.ru/text_Translation.aspx Approximately at least that all understood and not to break a forum rule Thanks!
Charley, please open Stations window -> click small arrow at right of first toolbar button -> "From XML file..." in popup menu and open old stations.xml Hope this helps CyLLlKA, Thanks! Can you please on English here too? All great, I would only make top of orange skin lighter for better viewing of top items on display.
Hello, Aleksandr! Thanks much for new skins! BlackGlass have some non-standard font (Segoe Print, I mean for XP) but looks great even with standard. Can I include this skins in IcyRadio full archive/distributive? Привет, Александр! Большое Вам спасибо за новые шкурки! BlackGlass использует Segoe Print, которого нет по умолчанию в XP, но все равно очень красиво (он заменяется обычным шрифтом в этом случае). Могу я включить эти темы в архив IcyRadio (полный архив, который я выкладываю при новом релизе, когда не только exe поменялся)?
Thanks much to All for comments and sorry on huge delay on answers! I did not update it application yet. There are some other work/fun. ceiiular, Windows skin would be good but this is not skin in one line I think... (I mean that bar under buttons and address/search edit) Kane3013, Yes, list view is a really good idea. As option. yorkey, Not sure why, I have this bug in some Windowblinds themes only. Or try to use "bg.png" for background(32bit(!), maybe this even in themes folder but renamed to "_bg.png")?
1Dan, IcyRadio loads albums covers from Amazom. There are not so universal mechanism to make a big choice. This is just an experiment. I can't ,for example, on each song changing (each 3 minutes) to suggest the user to choose cover more precisely [ru]IR грузит обложки с Amazon'а. Там не такой уж универсальный механизм загрузки чтобы сделать выбор между сайтами. Это был просто эксперимент. Если в CAD юзер слушает альбом и может один раз выбрать обложку, то представьте что радио предлагает выбрать обложку на каждую новую песню (а там в основном информация "Исполнитель - Песня")
1Dan, Thanks for catching this bug! Yeah, this was since I've added a record function. Please reload a new exe on first page or check for update from About window of IcyRadio (the same effect). [ru]Спасибо Вам за поимку жучка! Ни разу не думал что это перезагрузит кнопку при смене темы, но это логично. Перескачайте, пожалуйста, exe с первого поста или испробуйте кнопку обновления в окне "О программе" (тот же эффект).