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Posts posted by keane

  1. Hi, can I give a suggestion. If a programs needs to be individually compile to a dll then show us the way to compile it and we all can make a database of it. Im sure theres a lot of people here can help. :D

    I am planning on doing this, keep in mind I haven't finalized the API for creating the menu's yet so I would hate to release a preliminary version and then later change the API and break compatibility.

    Unfortunately for all people asking when Rosie 1.0 will come out, I do not have a specific time frame but I can guarantee it will be soon, but keep in mind I will have to code a website, for the database of user submitted menu's and applets.

    To all the people saying they get no menus, does it work with notepad? how about calculator? .. I'd like to know

    Thanks, and any developer interested in developing custom applets and/or menu dlls, please PM me and I can send you a preliminary version of the API for testing and feedback.

    Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and enthusiasm of this 3 year old project.

  2. I use Windowblinds so that could be the double menu problem.

    Most likely. Utorrent, etc. works perfectly fine on my end.

    As you have stated a few applications use special menu's that need to individually be implemented, those are being worked on but are secondary since technically they are "add-ons".

    Rosie does work with all native window's menus, such as the menu's in notepad, winrar, utorrent, etc.. Unfortunately a lot of applications decide to implement their menu's in their own special propriety way, which is of course ridiculous and near impossible to use a generic capture method. This means that a custom menu handler must be written (i.e. in the Menus folder "firefox.dll" etc).

  3. Keeping with the nature of "Community Preview", I will let you guys take a peek at what I've done so far. Skins are now simply zip folders, open them up and you'll understand how it works, so start making some!


    Things missing:

    • Haven't coded the menu scroll over effect (i.e. you have to click each menu item to open it)
    • Does not save configuration
    • Preference dialog is totally incomplete
    • Translations. Included Japanese language file is just to test Unicode support.

    It's pretty much feature complete, (I usually save the boring bits till last). Let me know what you all think!



  4. Slated for 0.7:

    I am hoping to implement a vista/windows 7 style of being able to customize which icons are directly visible and which are hidden in a "sub" tray icon

    Also vista styled 'glass' support, so that leopard styled menu bars can be more native looking.

    But first for 0.6:

    I must make rosie more stable, which means completely reconsidering design decisions made 3 years ago :blink:...

    I will not be releasing rosie until it completely stops locking systems up randomly, this is a persisting bug which unfortunately is a product of its complexity (i.e. completely rewriting system level functions to acquire foreign menu items).

  5. Rosie Preview 0.3


    -tabbed preference dialog

    -application profiles (for exclude, custom name, and custom menu dll)

    -better mouse over for menu handling, WH_MOUSE instead of WH_MSGFILTER

    -windows legacy applet for the system tray icons (rough in)

    -'snapping' back of the desktop ;)

    finally got this out, not a huge release... just everything is being polished further.

    The new system tray applet is a godsend if you are hiding the taskbar. It is just a rough in right now, it might not display all of your icons either because I am so eager to get this out I haven't implemented resizing yet.

    Application Profiles will be perfect for those programs that don't function properly within rosie. Msnmsgr? Calc? Wmplayer? Wab? program names not displaying correctly, just rename them in their application profile.

    Expect the release candidate to be done in about 2 weeks, it has been a hectic month for me.

  6. version 0.2 release. is out!

    I fixed the bug with explorer crashing and the bar not working.

    Language support is done. Everything just needs to be further polished although I am quite happy with it's stability.

    I am not saying do not give me suggestions, I still need them so that rosie can evolve. Just do not expect many new features until 0.4, because I am planning just to clean up my code, comment, and fix all the small memory leaks that exist.

    0.3 will mostly be an invisble release, because all changes will be in the source code. BUT expect a new, more organized preferences dialog.

    and just so i don't get repeat requests: features slated for 0.4


    Custom font support.

    Better skinning engine, with support for transparency, menu position, and custom fonts.

    Better recognization of custom menu's.

    System Tray Applet.

    Volume Applet.

  7. new version guys, skinning is done! this is only a preview, and following my previous patterns it will be polished up and a proper release will follow.

    Preview 0.2


    -UNICODE support added (a ***** to fix so late in the game) so languages which require unicode should be support. ie. cantonese, mandarin, french characters, etc.

    -skinning implemented, supports ONLY png (keep it simple) in a folder with the skin name.

    -language support completely implemented, just awaiting translators assistance.

    -VERY alpha preference dialog

    -Custom application names, rosie now tracks EVERY program that is being run on the system and gives the option to rename it's display name.

    -Added an exclude list, for program's that do not work with rosie to keep their default behaviour. (although no GUI method to modify yet)

    -New bug introduced when rosie is closed, explorer crashes with no error code, and restarts instantly (VERY HARD TO DEBUG). So just don't close rosie ;)

  8. crucius: This is a problem with the way i am loading bitmaps... they are currently limited to indexed 256 color bitmaps unfortunatly. Good news though is that in the next couple of days I will add a complete skinning system that will fix all the current issues. It is not very noticable at high resolutions which is why I didn't put it too high on the priority list.

    philou: Clicking at the top, my bad, it was just a simple over sight... it has been fixed and will be reflected in the next release (1 or 2 days from now). Problem with the menus automatically selecting, this is a problem I somtimes experience as well, I am not 100% sure why it's not working all the time but it won't be over looked as it is very annoying when it doesn't work. Skinning may be in the next release and if not the one after that.

    To everyone else, thanks for your kind words of support and encouragement. I would love someone to come onto the team and help with graphics, logos, icons, and primarily a website. If anyone is interested just PM me.

  9. alright second release, this one is much more polished..

    Release 0.1

    whats new?


    -all apple menu items work. except network location

    -dock menu compatible with rklauncher 0.4...and more just request it

    -compatibility with explorer is closer to complete... the window menu acts just like a mac and keeps track of all the explorer windows open, although window switching from the menu isn't complete.

    -framework laid for 'custom' menus, eg. future support for firefox, itunes, word, etc...

    -clock applet works, but no analog mode

    same download link as above.

  10. Installer? there is no installer, it whole program comes zipped

    and the reason for the hxxp is because when i try to post a link, or an img i get this message...

    You are only allowed to post URLs to other sites after you have made 15 posts or more.

    So next time instead of critizing my program because of stupid restrictions, how bout you actually try it for yourself, and you can't scan for viruses yourself?

  11. rosie10.png

    Version 1.0 Coming soon...


    • Completely rewritten, utilizing a new menu capture technique which is now 100% stable!
    • Ability to capture all menu's, utilizing a framework for special cases.
    • Native 64-bit version available.
    • Ability to cross the WoW64 bridge and capture 32-bit menus from 64-bit Rosie.
    • Skins have now been simplified. There are now simply zip folders.
    • Skins now support transparency, for that leopard look.
    • Completely reworked API, to facilitate third party additions. (Complete SDK, with examples in the works)

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