Eh, I didn't even know what thread it was, so that was a genuine mistake, not trolling you
In any case, psshutdown was made by sysinternals, who may be a part of MS now, but they weren't then.
"C:WINDOWSsystem32rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Hibernate" will hibernate, I imagine something similar for suspend.
I say "Post-2000", because win2k was the first to have it available, albeit on a resource CD. There's no need to attack my intelligence, I assure you I'm capable of using notepad, it's my favourite IDE (With autohotkey for compile&Run).
It doesn't work better with low privileges, for the simple reason shutdown.exe doesn't actually need privileges, except for shutting down a remote PC, which is handy.
I think something you need to understand, mate, is that flaming people for offering information (how was your information a "release" and mine not? Do what you say, not what you do, eh?) is completely unacceptable, it's called being a ****head.