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Everything posted by AndrewYY

  1. username3d3 is pretty much right. Looks like RK launcher to me. XWD or mac dock would have reflection, so it can't be them.
  2. I tried that a while back. My verdict was no. XWD didn't save the icons in the stack when you restarted it. I'm sure it's possible to get around it, but not without some work.
  3. @victorng: 1. If you don't mind the dock being on top always, enable the option Panel -> Always on top. Otherwise, enable Panel -> Show dock on mouseover and move your mouse to the bottom of the screen whenever you need the dock to pop up. 2. Atreiu suggested the following settings: Server: Imap Host: imap.googlemail.com Username: [noparse]yourname@googlemail.com[/noparse] Password: yourpass Use SSL: checked! I don't know if "googlemail" makes a difference, but it's worth a shot
  4. btb, there is a known issue with the latest avedesk (1.4?) and xwd. Just downgrading to the last version of avedesk (1.3?) has worked for most people.
  5. btb, does the error cause the dock to close? and what exactly is in the error? And how to reproduce? Have you tried installing to a different location, etc...
  6. perhaps people are scared away by the russian?
  7. Everything with the label (old) here or (packaged with 5.6) on the box.net page are the same as in 5.6.
  8. I have opened a public folder on box.net containing all of my past/future animations: http://www.box.net/shared/i0r8iak7g5 So far, they contain (in alphabetical order, with new animations at the top, and old ones at the bottom): Checker Genie Spread Deal (old) Expand (old) Fireworks (old) Fountain2 (old) Wind (old) I will continue to update any changes and new animations on the AS forums, but I will be switching all hosting to box.net. This is to keep a constantly updated list of all of my animations. Thank you, AndrewYY
  9. @martan: Sounds like you either have to A: disable some features in XWD B: stop using IE C: stop using XWD what version of IE are you using? Mine works, so it might be your computer. @nirwana: it only uses 0 or 1% CPU on idle for me. It does use a bunch when it's doing stuff though. My specs are pretty close to yours too: Intel Core2 Duo CPU E6850 (3.0 GHz) 3.23 GB RAM Windows XP SP3 (I don't have emerge desktop) I don't notice much of a slowdown, but it does bother me when I'm running any large applications, so I just close XWD when I need to. I don't know whether that's an option for you though.
  10. I'm sorry, I really don't understand maybe someone who speaks your native language can help you out?
  11. Either use it or don't. Don't see what's the problem here...
  12. Get new icons for your stacks?
  13. Actually, you have a different problem. The problem Calvin360 described is easily solved by moving the "speed of minimization" bar to the left, AFAIK. Yours appears to be a system problem, from your post in the FAQ. In the future, please leave all questions in this thread
  14. Hmm... Let's all start posting new creations on this dead RSS feed
  15. Actually, I have a feeling I know what it means... Before, when you had windows with children windows and you minimized them to the dock, the children windows would go under the parent windows when you restored them...
  16. This was suggested two posts above yours and I'm sure pages and pages before. Read my reply...
  17. Checker Animation for XWD 5.6 A mod of "deal animation" to make a checkerboard pattern For best results, check out the included readme. It will tell you my recommended settings download: http://www.box.net/shared/83cyz2gtzz
  18. Change Preferences > Capture windows > Method used for minimizing windows to "ScreenShot"
  19. @Sirius: "Space between icons and bottom of panel" to 16? That's what I have. I don't understand why it's not working. Maybe a bug? @cyclonezephyrxz7: Use Atreiu's docklet Xlauncher and replace your program icons with it: http://cid-c9d5b566f6aa2531.skydrive.live....klets/XLauncher @xntrick: check Preferences > Panel > Show dock on mouseover.
  20. sure. 1. Sorry, this dock doesn't do anything but the bottom of the screen. It can be moved a bit from the bottom of the screen so that it floats on top of the taskbar, but not to the top of the screen or the sides. 2. To get icons to reflect, make sure under Preferences > Icons, "Opacity of icon reflections" is not zero, and "Space between icons and bottom of panel" is also not zero. Hope that answers your questions.
  21. just delete the folder xwindows dock is installed in.
  22. Nah, it's just like that. Try turning on "Optimize magnification (use every fourth pixel)" in the preferences, as that will help hide the choppiness. The way Bobah wrote the magnification for this dock makes it kind of choppy sometimes.
  23. masks for the opacity of window reflections
  24. I think soralicious is probably dragging folders into the dock. You have to right click on the dock, go to add, then "folder" to add a folder as an icon.
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