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Everything posted by raduking

  1. LNB: buld 258 (launching items put in separate thread)
  2. Actually I redesigned a lot of stuff i'm trying to put the algorithm in a separate DLL so that adding a new algo would be easier so that's why the new algorithm isn't in the latest build yet
  3. you should have no minimize bug in the latest nightly
  4. yes i will do this just now... would you help me test out this option ?
  5. I need to be able to duplicate this... On my system none of these happen
  6. this problem never happened to me... maybe you're using a docklet that doesn't let RKLauncher shut down properly... is this problem there in the latest nightly too ?
  7. new build: 255 - fixed minimize bug from 253 LNB: build 256
  8. give me the SysSyats you try to install
  9. The menu is refering to the menu shown on click-hold on a folder item
  10. actually RKLauncher is not based on .NET... it is built with VS2005 but it does not use any of the .NET framework... the reason you are asked to close RKL first is because of the way it hooks into the window minimizing process in windows so that you are able to minimize windows to it... .NET just needs RKLauncher.dll to be unloaded that's why U get the message... actually i don't think it's RKL's fault... i think it's ePower_DMC.exe's fault usually the guys that do hardware stuff and start to do programs for it suck at programming... they should stick to hardware
  11. New build: 253 please make sure you update RKLauncher.conf
  12. isn't that just what I did here: asking jonas ? (since he was the one who started the thread) please don't start flaming ok ? you clould have answered: "you could PM jonas to give him to you" "maybe you could ask jonas through a PM" "..." thank you for understading
  13. maybe it sucks but that's the car I have right now... so I asked...
  14. where can I download the old one ?
  15. yeah, what about some new VW Passat icons ?
  16. could someone make an icon like this one ?
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