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[helllp] I'm drowning deeply in Love, but ...

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Maybe I am out of the loop, but is Zpod dating spygirl? 0,o....

@Simone, Sorry guv, but I didn't break your server, if i remember correctly it was you and your *cough* tentacles *cough* that broke it...hahaha

I feel it, in the water, in the air, deep within my soul. Every waking moment it becomes stronger and stronger. How could I have ignored it for so long? This powerful, neverending urge that tells me THIS TOPIC'S GONNA GET SEPH'D! Head for the hills, whilst you still have legs!

I honestly apologise for taking this off-topic, dimensi.

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This is a common situation that has served as good fodder for plays and movies for a long time. The solutions are not all the same, and different things may work for different people. There is good advice and bad advice. I went through this same thing when I was young. I waited three years to tell her and things didn't work out for me. But what happened after was a far greater success story than the failure to be with someone I thought I really needed at the time. The thing for you to do is determine what you think is best to do, action or inaction, and prepare yourself to learn from what happens, either good or ill. This will be a time in your life to learn some new things about yourself no matter which way the cards fall and if things do not go your way, you must keep this in mind so that you can still turn things into a positive direction for yourself. If you do end up with her, your challenges may be even greater than if you don't. In fact, it's when you do end up with her that the greatest plays and movies go into the second act and start to get really interesting (usually bloody ;) ).

Either way, Grim's advice is super bad. Sorry Grim. It's funny advice, yes, but alcohol will not solve your problems. Only Grand Theft Auto will.


Good luck

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How about if you pretend to falling for an imaginary girl from another school and ask your target for some advice? Let your target know that this imaginary girl is already in a relationship and you don't know what to do. In that way, you will get to know what she thinks without blowing off your cover and assess your situation from that point.

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I recently got into a similar situation. You see, when I first joined my school's hockey team, I befriended a tough kid named Joe, he was one of those italian kids who wear A|X and FC and crap so I respected him, but since last year he's been dating this really awesome girl that I like and I know she has feelings for me too. I don't know if I'd date her but I do think about it sometimes, and who she would choose. It's not love though, just lust. And I agree with Sid, talking about love online, or even in general to people you don't know that well is really gay, I've had kids do it to me in real life and it makes you sound really stupid, especially if you don't do anything about your love.

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ok guys, thanks from the comment, sorry bout all the whining things. just like to have some opinion from different point of view. so i can decide what the best thing to do. not to say that i can't decide what should i do for my self.

and thanks to spygirl, finally the comment from a gal side.

i'll take your advice since there's some guys here recommend it to. i'll let her know bout my feeling ... :)

and it's ok to me to be her friend ... :) maybe that's the best thing i can do for a now ...

thanks to all of u guys for the nice comment :)

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My wife and I met at law school many moons ago. She did all my homework and took notes for me in early-morning lectures whilst I was still in bed, she even did my laundry and ... hang on... I was f#@*ing duped!


No seriously, judging by your choice to open this thread, you're pretty young, my advice would be to get over it, there's plenty of fish in the sea - concentrate on your fishing technique, one day, like me, you'll be master in the art of catching shoals of fish in one sitting. :D

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You have to realize that this chick is with another guy, IE off limits, I dont care what she says to you and how she makes you feel. Until she is not with someone else, she is not yours to mess with.

whats to say that once she gets with you, she doesnt start doing this to someone else, pulling the same crap.

You will learn in time oh young one. Just get over it and forget about her. This chick sounds too messed up to even consider dating. Move on

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You have to realize that this chick is with another guy, IE off limits, I dont care what she says to you and how she makes you feel. Until she is not with someone else, she is not yours to mess with.

whats to say that once she gets with you, she doesnt start doing this to someone else, pulling the same crap.

You will learn in time oh young one. Just get over it and forget about her. This chick sounds too messed up to even consider dating. Move on

This right here, is a genuine gentleman. If a girl is with someone, the girl is offlimits, its as easy as that.

Please, do tell me when this thread can die. Sometimes, i hate the GD Rule :P

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I can tell none of u know anything about girls. "Find someone else" ? He loves her.

When you love someone enough u dont find someone else.

i've been through it all, loving girls, girls loving me, being in a relationship, being obsessed (i probably shouldn't go into this traumatic experience), but the fact still stands: she's in a committed relationship. if he really loves her, he'll know to back off and let her be happy and not damage a relationship (that doesn't mean he can't talk about his feelings with her, though, but he can't force a relationship).

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