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SimplePhotos Beta Released

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I've been working on this for a couple of days now, mainly for personal use. I've chosen to release it to the public as a Beta.

SimplePhotos is a piece of free PHP software, which allows you to maintain a very simple image/photo gallery on your website. It is simply a case of uploading your photos via FTP. SimplePhotos does the rest!

The software is currently in Beta stage, so there still may be a few problems. You can report them through the contact page of my site.



You can find more info and download here:


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Very nice and simple :)

I had been using Photoshop's WebGallery automated script and i didnt like it this much :)

The only problem i have (nor really a problem, more of a personal dislike) is that the thumbnails look very unsharp, i modified the code to not expand the main image to 728 (a lot of my images were smaller than that and looked like crap when stretched)

It would be wise to implement an if clause there, if the images is smaller, leave it as is, if not, resize it (altough im afraid it will look bad resized, even if its downwards).

Good Job :)

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Looking a lot better now :)

I have two suggestions:

1. Implement Next and Previous Photo Buttons (and maybe albums?)

2. Make the thumbnail size chooser a more graphical and maybe on the top right of the title header (i thought of it maybe as three increasingly sized squares)

Very good job so far, i have already changed my galleries to simplephotos :)

Now, does anyone know a good batch image resizer (either software or a PS Script) for mac?

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  • 6 months later...

Right - I've updated this to version 1.4, with the following enhancements:

Improve default layout and design (again!)

Comments facility on photos (optional)

Subfolder navigation

Fixed photo count issue

Fixed issues with PHP safe mode

Fixed various security issues

Added caching of photos

Made XHTML and CSS standards compliant

Read EXIF data where available

Grab it here - http://ppleyard.org.uk/software.php

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi to all, and specially to the creator of this precious gallery (congratulations) :)

but, i got a problem while sendin comment, it dosnt pos tanithing, just chmod 777 al php files,

photos(folder too) and all folders also chomoed(dunno how to type it :P, sorry), here is the link

where you can check it :


Hope you can help me soon, and Greetings.

PD: sorry about my english, i'm from spain,

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