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Swinging by to say hello old home!

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Wow, posts by Goku, DZ, Duckie, AND Stevie all in this one thread. It's like a reunion of the long-lost bigshots. Now all we need is a JefPost and a Taha-ppearance and we're set!

Good to hear things are still goin well for you, Goku. I still hang around a bit, lurking around in the shadows and rarely posting anymore (as though I posted alot to begin with).

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WOW Goku, you should scan that lettter and show it to us ;) That really was a classy move from apple, talk about good marketing (me jots it down)

@Mu: /me puts a cap on his head while saying: "Back off, psyco!" :confused:

Yeah, I'll have to find it first. I'll see if i have the receipt of the check. Praise the lord!

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Wow, posts by Goku, DZ, Duckie, AND Stevie all in this one thread. It's like a reunion of the long-lost bigshots. Now all we need is a JefPost and a Taha-ppearance and we're set!

Good to hear things are still goin well for you, Goku. I still hang around a bit, lurking around in the shadows and rarely posting anymore (as though I posted alot to begin with).

Thanks cerebral, long time no see alright. Good to see you here too, hopefully from now on our time here can be invested efficiently, rather than strive and starve to death for another updated pixel like we were long time ago.

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Don't want to change the topic at all but...

Speaking of "crappy longhorn" OH NOES! why is apple somewhat moving towards the extra large caption bars like in longhorn?

What in the world are you talking about, AGAIN? The caption bar on windows is the only thing you can drag around. The rest is 16x16 ugly mis-colored unidentified toolbar icons. The borders on it are pixelated and thicker than the goal post in a football field. I'm trying to organize this huge amount of comments I have about the windows gui, but I cant seem to think of what can be based next. Aqua-soft was born "thank" to the ugliness of windows. Praising it, or even worse, lie about its GUI as its "leading" others like apple, is laughable. Apple's caption bar doesnt exist on tiger.. you drag the window from every place you hit it, simple, logical and different, not to mention the color combinations, icons and window design are simply unmatched. Timan, now that you have an imac g5, you ought to see the differnce now you know. "pimping your ride" old dead beat up ford 75 truck, still, doesnt mean its better than a porsche. Face it, its phucking ugly.

DZ, grab your fellow MS terrorists, cause you're here challanged by the unbeatable mac angels.

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You know you love us all really :D

Goku, nice to see you back where you belong :)

Oh, and for everyone else's information, I'll be back to my old, active self in a few months time when I get my PowerMac (yes, I'm waiting for the update)...

Good to see you too stevie. Congratulations on the upcoming powermac. Keep walking down that aisle and dont look back, witnessing the differences once owning a mac can be deadly.

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Seph, may I please have free hosting for my really bad photographs too?

Mu: ...Go cry about it you emokid. I do envy Seph's hair, but I could never grow that myself, I had an afro last time I tried that, I looked very similar to my dad...when he was my age in the 70s :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

in regards to THIS thread, heh, I just wanted to say that its totally legite to have posts just like this current topic. Big deal, how often do you see me around anyway? Is it that irritating to the point of deletion to see old-timers vote for rememberance?

I agree with contra and Tricky...

I think there are enough "oh i miss the old times / i am just here to visit and then im gone / worship my name cause i know about the big crash and the flash dock / you ****s are rubbish" threads, why not post in one of those..

Aside from that... someone is meant to be forgotten and then will the crap begin.

Hey, that describes my thread here pretty accurately :D Your post in that topic and here seemed quite different from each other.. - Tell me seph, honestly, whats REALLY on your mind... ;)

Worship my name, I AM GOKU!

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Nah, i wasnt really talking about you, you swing by and dont cause a mess, most of the threads that are opened for "worship the oldskoolers" purposes tend to go down in flames almost always ;)

What really is on my mind is that i think we have enough "historical" threads :P

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Hey there Goku, I remember you. I believe you answered the first skinning question I ever posted in these boards. Good times :D

I think Goku did the same for me. I don't remember what it was, but he was the first person I asked a question to, back when Goku was an admin. I remember asking Sone for stuff too, back when he was a mod.

Good times... do do do do dooooooooo


// Lou

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Woah! Whad up Lou! This thread is bringing all of you guys back.

hey wiz, how is it? i haven't actually talked to you in forever mr. iliveinstlouistoo! :P

you know what is really boring? im sitting here in my web design class.

you know what is really funny? my teacher just asked a question, "do any of you know what sans-serif means?" i quickly raised my hand and he said, "not you louie!" insane!

you know what is sick?! they blocked my site and the use of firefox on my laptop at school, i'm friggen dying over here!


// Lou

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good to see you too louie, school sux I agree.

Heh.. Jef's online. Whats the chance for that. Thats the guy with the aqua-soft license plate right on a Benz?

I wont be surprised if Jef wasnt joking about who I am, he really hasnt been here in 14 years.

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