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Music Cds + iPods= illegal

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I think that they have a right to complain. What's the difference between ripping songs off a CD and sharing it on the Web and passing your copy of a CD around so that people can rip songs onto their iPod? None except that those who feel reluctant to use P2P are more likely to be willing to rip a friend's CD. So the RIAA can conplain but I highly doubt that it will make any difference.

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They should stop the radio from playing songs, because I didn't pay for them... (damn pay for play crap) or stop me from listening to a cd from the library because I can remember what it sounded like, which is a copy. The RIAA and MPAA are both corupt associations and will eventually screw themselves (if there is a God), lol.

PS. I love my ipod and have 4851 songs on it, all of which were ripped from used CD's that I bought off of Amazon.com for half or less than half the price, so suck on that RIAA. lol

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They should stop the radio from playing songs, because I didn't pay for them... (damn pay for play crap) or stop me from listening to a cd from the library because I can remember what it sounded like, which is a copy.

This is actually an interesting proposition- what happens when humans develop memory enhancments that effectively make a memory a one-to-one copy of the subjective experience. Who will own the rights to that memory of content experience: the Copyright Holders or the persons who's brain the memory resides in. Why buy a cd of a song when you can just listen to it on a radio and replay it over and over again in you head?

I think that with a whole generation of individuals with no repsect at all for the concept of copyright that the winners won't be the MMPA/RIAA.

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The concept of copyright has been abused by the Mpaa and Riaa, so why should we respect the corrupt version. I respect copyright... I won't steal others art, music, animations or anything to profit from it, I do however rip cds and dvds for my own archiving. The first part should be left alone but the second part needs to be revised to allow for archiving. Soon our television will be digital which means more control, ie. broadcast flag in not so many words, our music will be digital with very restrictive drm, software will have more intrusive authorization requirements, and it will never stop pirates from their objective.

Just remember, the RIAA wants nothing but money. I love to see a person worth 40 grand being sued by someone like Jack Valenti who is worth 1.4 million, it is so messed up. The RIAA spent 14.5 million in legal fees....

Ok sorry bout the rant.

Keep it creative,


ps. Ghostboy11

The RIAA is the recording industry of america, check them out at RIAA.com . Read about them and search google and boycott-riaa.com .

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Ok... There's one stupid point here..... so I'm not allowed to copy music to my computer.... and have my cd scratched. will RIAA replace that cd at the expence of carrier cost, within 20 minutes and with delivery to my place? I bet it won't. So **** 'em! I do buy legal records and I will copy them and I'm sure artist gets my money and I don't care what crap comes out of RIAA buttheads.

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** Reads the Article

** Removes One Audio CD from Drawer

** Put that classic Middle Finger Stance

** Put the CD in middle finger


** Puts the CD in Drive, Fire up iTunes, RIP it, Syncs with iPod

** Put on iPod earphones, relaxes and put on that classic middle finger stance with two hands !!

aaah.. the joy of technology !!

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just to inform you guys this is a worldwide problem, you guys have the RIAA, we have SABAM over here, and it's the same thing.. over here it is founded and controlled by an artist named "johan verminnen" who makes tons of money with all those taxes.. we did a videoclip here for an artist named "van het groenewoud" and he makes money of it because they are friends.. but other smaller belgian artists don't get a dime.. you even have to pay if you arrange a show with unknown young talent..

yeah, i read that. i feel bad for the riaa. these are the last death throes of an obsolete monster...

well i'm afraid that's not the case.. at first, your government thinks about how stupid this is.. then they suddenly realize the money they'll earn because of it and they'll love it..

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Curious. If it's my own CDs, I feel that I definitely have the right to put them on my own iPod. In fact, I did that with several legally purchased CDs just a few hours ago.


YOU may have the right (or at least believe you do) but spare a thought for us poor people who do not have that right and never have.

Please let this not got the way of the RIAA because then we will have less reason to change our laws to allow a decent amount of fair use.

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They should stop the radio from playing songs, because I didn't pay for them... (damn pay for play crap) or stop me from listening to a cd from the library because I can remember what it sounded like, which is a copy. The RIAA and MPAA are both corupt associations and will eventually screw themselves (if there is a God), lol.

Actually the radio station pays a conciderable amount to the RIAA and the record labels to play the music.

Its really crappy how they've been trying to change the fair usage laws to suit them. People laughed when Bill Gates sent his open letter to hobbyists back in the '70s, so why is this any different? Why are they being taken so seriously? Its called money, they pay off the right people, hire the right lobbyists, etc (which at the time Gates couldnt do).

I got a big stack of CD's right here, and I'll continue to play them on my computers for as long as its possible, even if it requires hacking a bit of code together to do it.

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There was talk a while back I heard, probably rumors about a CD encoding or something that wouldn't read in a CD or would mess up the drive (which I think was just a rumor), but as far as it being illegal to rip it to my HDD or my iPod they can kiss it! I think that it is sad that you have another copy lying around, in case the original gets scratched, and even that's illegal to them. Hey, you know what, get Bono off his *** and get him to raise you starving folks some money too. At least that's what they're acting like anyway. Like they don't make enough/have enough money now... Sorry, this is a little late, but I felt like posting it.

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