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Where are the menus in Windows Vista?

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It depends on the window. Some windows will have menu bars, some won't.

The IE7 window in the background has a menu bar, but it's placed below the tabs instead of its standard position at the top of the window. (No, I don't know why they moved the menu below everything else. Microsoft's UI designers are on crack.)

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Haven't you noticed that? They are trying to copy Apple. Look how all of a suddenly they changed their fonts to Cleartype, the search menu on the start menu, and obviously no Menu Bar. They might as well slap the taskbar on top of the screen and make a finder to just make them confess to copying Apple.

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The idea of font smoothing, how cleartype does it, has been around since the late eighties. (Microsoft's been at it, since only 98, i think.)

Also there's no way Microsoft stole the god awful Windows 1.0 from anyone.

Though, the search on the start menu is either a evolution of where its been since at least win 98, or a rip off, I consider to close to tell..

The moving of the menubar is probably because it'd look awful to have transparent titlebar,

then solid menubar, and lastly the transparent button area.

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for me, the appearence of Windows OS is just a cheap limitation of their OSX counterpart :slant: and i'm sure lots of you do admit it

What's really interesting is that while Apple has released 4 or 5 (who's counting?) upgrades to OSX, MS has been in background slowly developing Vista and incorporating a lot of OSX's gui tricks into their community releases. Remember when the Sidebar was just a crappy configurable dock? Now its dashboard-esque with "gadgets", skins, etc.

I have to ask a question though: This board is dedicated to those of us who run WINDOWS and mod it to look like OSX. I read a lot of anti MS sentiment in many threads - why not just go out and buy a G5 with OSX Tiger and forget all the hoops you have to jump through to mod XP if you think its crap compared to OSX?

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I have to ask a question though: This board is dedicated to those of us who run WINDOWS and mod it to look like OSX. I read a lot of anti MS sentiment in many threads - why not just go out and buy a G5 with OSX Tiger and forget all the hoops you have to jump through to mod XP if you think its crap compared to OSX?

Do we all look rich to you?

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I have to ask a question though: This board is dedicated to those of us who run WINDOWS and mod it to look like OSX. I read a lot of anti MS sentiment in many threads - why not just go out and buy a G5 with OSX Tiger and forget all the hoops you have to jump through to mod XP if you think its crap compared to OSX?
We do :) . There is a thread titled along the lines of new Apple Hardware Thread, where at times, we get a huge number of members buying their first Mac. However, some of the members are not old enough so they don't have a lot of money laying around. You'd be surprised how many A-S members ultimately do switch to a Mac. Many members have ended up buying a Mac and moving on; some of us stick around and pester you ;) .
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We do :) . There is a thread titled along the lines of new Apple Hardware Thread, where at times, we get a huge number of members buying their first Mac. However, some of the members are not old enough so they don't have a lot of money laying around. You'd be surprised how many A-S members ultimately do switch to a Mac. Many members have ended up buying a Mac and moving on; some of us stick around and pester you ;) .

Such as me, I will be buying one soon once money is good. But some people don't have enough money so they're stuck with a PC. :P

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I have to ask a question though: This board is dedicated to those of us who run WINDOWS and mod it to look like OSX. I read a lot of anti MS sentiment in many threads - why not just go out and buy a G5 with OSX Tiger and forget all the hoops you have to jump through to mod XP if you think its crap compared to OSX?

Some people need to use Windows for one reason or another, but love the Aqua theme and its derivatives and inspired works. Therefore, they take the time out to doll out their desktop just the way they want it to look. In my case, I take classes that are taught with and require me to use specific software running on Windows XP, but I dislike Luna, so I bought Windowblinds and use Aqua-inspired themes.

Making XP look like OS X has nothing to do with the inspiration and design principles that are going into Vista.

As for "anti MS sentiment," welcome to the Internet. You'll find a lot of that. The anti-Microsoft sentiment here almost always stems from a GUI design point of view. In other words, this is a forum for people who think Luna is ugly and Aqua is not. There are forums for people who think Luna is ugly, but also think Aqua is ugly, so they either emulate Vista or do their own thing (Neowin, for example.)

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There will always be AntiMS feelings, even among hardcore windows users. You can't please everyone, and thats the basic jist of it.

Personally, on most of my machines, I go with a basic 9X style theme, if possible, reguardless of the OS (which only like 2 out of my 7 or 8 computers run Windows). Its unobtrusive, simple, and doesnt take much space. That's my feelings, and I'm sure there are just as many who disagree. Thats the nice thing about computers, there are so many options, that we don't have to use the same thing.

As far as the menu bar, is it just me, or does having to hit a keyboard combo to be able to view menus seem counter productive? With most other systems, if the menu isn't readily available on the window, its either placed elsewhere, or appears when you move the cursor into the space that the menus would normally appear. Just most schools of thought for productivity like to use the keyboard only, or the mouse only, not alot of mixing for simple tasks.

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As far as i'm aware, it's the new conception of GUI - What You Get Is What You See, not the "old-fashioned" WYSIWYG. I've just read this, and absence of menus clearly belongs to the issue.

It's funny, because while i was looking at all the vista-shots and vista-inspired themes i've never thought like "where's my menus, dude?".

In fact, i almost never use explorer menus, when things are settled and solid.

I think, all of the menus can be replaced by 'clever', context-sensitive toolbar.

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As far as i'm aware, it's the new conception of GUI - What You Get Is What You See, not the "old-fashioned" WYSIWYG. I've just read this, and absence of menus clearly belongs to the issue.

It's funny, because while i was looking at all the vista-shots and vista-inspired themes i've never thought like "where's my menus, dude?".

In fact, i almost never use explorer menus, when things are settled and solid.

I think, all of the menus can be replaced by 'clever', context-sensitive toolbar.

You mean a copy of OSX's finder bar? ;)

And MS will call it the greatest GUI development since fried beans!

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Just remember this: Apple is perfection- Mac OS X is perfect. Microsoft is improving Windows- it's getting closer to perfection. Therefore, the only thing Microsoft can do is make Windows more similar to Mac OS X.


Nothing is perfect. As much as we want it to, neither Apple nor OSX are flawless.

But with the choice we have, OSX is the better and while i commend MS for improving Windows, i really wish they'd take their own approach to it. I'm sure there's a whole tonn of talented people working for them and i wonder why don't they do something of their own instead of following the leader (in quality, GUI design and ease of use that is)

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Just remember this: Apple is perfection- Mac OS X is perfect. Microsoft is improving Windows- it's getting closer to perfection. Therefore, the only thing Microsoft can do is make Windows more similar to Mac OS X.


I don't even think the biggest Mac zealot here would say that. Well, maybe seXXI if he were still around on the boards.

Is OS X better than Windows GUI-wise? I say yes and it's much better. Is it perfect? Far from it.

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The sad thing is that none of existing GUIs is perfect, but developers have to care about people who had used them for ever, so all we can get is "better-painted crap with bells and whistles".

In fact, do one really need to know a thing about files, folders, and other?

iTunesPicassa approach is the best that one can get now.

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