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CD Art Display RC5

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CD Art Display RC5 (28Sep06)



What's new?

Improved support for AlbumPlayer, Winamp, foobar2000, iTunes and MediaMonkey

Added support for Mp3Toys and QMP (QCD)

Improved skin engine

Three independent text lines

Support skin with mirror effect

Support skin with rotation

Support vertical ratings

Notifier background

Improved transition effect

Opacity is part of the skin not a general setting

Opacity for case/cover

Opacity for Fancy ratings

Opacity for Progress bar

Opacity for each text line

Added more fine skin elements position adjustments

Windows Live Messenger interaction (display picture and personal message)

Lyrics (read, download and submit thanks to LYRDB.com)

New "Read cover" procedure

New save downloaded cover procedure

Improved ID3v2 v2.4 reading

Progress bar: Left click: Fast foreward (not all players)

Progress bar: Right click: Rewind (not all players)

Troubleshooting section added in Control Panel>Options

Improved Control Panel

Improved context menu

General improvements

Bugs fixed

Help file updated


If you experience any issue (e.g. with QMP) please try the "Troubleshooting" in "Control Panel>Options" first.


Full setup:


Just the main executable (for those testing the last RC4 build):





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As you remember I'm a foobar user. I've one bug in all versions - choosing foobar in config - no cover & tag in result. But works well if winamp chosen.. It's not a problem, just a little miss.

+ I've only one wish remaining - to make it more lightweight in resources.. For me it's about 11MB of RAM & 0-2 CPU! It eats more than player)) I'm using my own skin for case - about 150px and mirror effect.. But I'm sure it's not only because of it. Maybe some code optimization?

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I just installed it and was fooling around with the settings and I have one thing to add.

Would it be possible to add how much of a mirror of the cover you want? I keep my cad in the bottom right of my desktop and the mirror (I think) is too much for what, I think. Maybe you could add how much of a mirror the user chooses?

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tehloxely: for now it's not possible.

CAD RC 5 Build 29 - WMP 11 basic support thanks to zachdms

- Playback buttons enabled

- Search cover should work

- Lyrics should work

- Cover will be changed if album is changed

- "Control Panel" was not updated yet (to show only WMP supported features)

Use this build as an alpha (just WMP11 initial support).

zachdms Song Signature plugin is required and it is available within Winter pack:




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Hi Carlos. I wanted to ask you when CD Art Display is going to work for Foobar2000. I mean, the app is great but, there's no way to make it work with Foobar properly. Playing around with it, I've realized that the only thing I can do is make CD Art run Foobar, and then I will have the two apps running together, but it's embarrassing. :(

The best way should be, having CD Art always running in background minimized, so, everytime I run Foobar, CD Art would recognize it, and appear.

Let me say it again:

there should be an autohide feature, so CD Art would hide when there's no Foobar (or another players) action, like some applets and widgets do, unfortunately they don't support Foobar. :/

Would you like to be the first man to make a CD Art Display for Foobar? :D

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CAD is a stand alone application. So it will always be another process (player + CAD = 2 running applications). There's nothing wrong with that.

CAD works with foobar2000 0.9x with most of the features using a third party plugin. There isn't a third party Visual Basic 6 class (or any interface) to handle foobar2000 as we have with Winamp, AlbumPlayer, MP3Toys, MediaMonkey and even iTunes. There is a lack of an interest regarding making foobar2000 Visual Basic 6 easier to support.

Audohide: I think it's a nice suggestion that could be used with all players; I'll add it to my to do list. Thanks.

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It's ok. I understand what you mean. I didn't wanted to say that CAD should be like a widget, it is not, but, with autohide, it could act like one. I would use it because there's no cd art widget or applet for Foobar.

The main feature for me is that, when I run Foobar, and I choose what to listen, CAD should appear just then, when the albums starts playing. And, when it ends, CAD should hide. That's it. Thank you for understanding. :)

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Hey Carlos (is that your name?) I would really love for you to add a "stop" button to go along with the "previous, play/pause & next" buttons. I use the Winamp agent to keep it in the systray and just use CAD on my desktop. And when I leave the computer for a while, I would like to be able to stop the track from playing (instead of pausing it).


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