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Firefox Skinning Guide

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Has anyone figured out how to get both the activity icon on the right of the tab and the close button on the left yet? I tried tab mix plus to get the close button on the left but it kept reverting my buttons back to the normal grey ones rather than the aqua ones achieved by setting the icon size to small and then wouldn't even change when I re-clicked 'small icons'. So instead I'm just using tab x I think it's called, which has achieved a close button at a nice height but on the right side of the tab. I'm using 1.5 and this is literally the LAST thing I need to do to get my ff looking perfect (other than the light effect on the brushed metal seen in the real safari, but I can live with that!)

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How can I put the tabs closebutton on the left side, like they are in Safari?

Yeah, got it after log and hard search. This codes reverses the tab closebutton and favicon:

#content tab {

 -moz-box-direction: reverse;


This should be exactly what you need..

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Change the Firefox Window/taskbar Icon (a popular one):


Find Transparent icons here

Change unused Tab bar color:


Glad to see we're getting a lot of response! If you feel like you're going to ask a question without a simple answer/one that can be applied to others', please take it to a new thread. If you do receive a useful answer or another tip that others might be able to use, just post a link in this thread back to that one.

blaze, that means you :P.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, keeping it clean. Should I leave "thanks" posts?

//Some posts removed


P.S: I realize that I posted some duplicate content that zeroeffect already posted--my bad! For example, he's already provided the titlebar icon fix (from this post) and the bookmark line fix (from my first post).

You said how to make the icon transparent... how can I change this for other programs such as Thunderbird or explorer.exe... the same thing?


I also have a problem that when I have Fissure the loading feature seems to be messed up... it makes the loading not the entire bar but just a bit of it... it also make the Aqua-Soft Forums Icon all scrunched up...


I also made it so that the two scrollbar buttons are on the bottom... can I do this for other applications? and I also have it a little messed up... can I go into the skin and change the buttons so that it doesn't look so messed up? also on the top of the scroll bar it just seems to stop... can I change that?

//Posts Merged. Do not quadruple-post...read the rules. Consider this a warning--next time it will be a ban. -NC



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Hi, I wasn't sure how to implement that code, I'm using the stylish extension on ff 1.5. I've used it before for like, 10 little tweaks but when I entered that above code nothing seemed to happen.

I'm usin it with stylish and FF 2. Works fine for me.

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i cant seem to find the icons for the search plugins with FF2, i want to change the standard google icon with the magnifying glass icon instead, can somebody with firefox 2.0 tell me where to go to do this? also is there a good milk theme available for v2.0? before i was using safire milk.

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It should just say 'updating', rather than the standard instalation whatever it says text. It only says it for like 2 seconds, and then it just looks like it did before except that it says '(the theme) will be updated when firefox is restarted. If you use the firefox pre-loader like I do then obviously remember to close that too, and also check the task manager just to see if any other instances of ff are running.

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Make sure there is only one copy of the theme in whatever folder you have it saved in, so you don't confuse it with another copy of the same theme. If you mess up just download the theme again from wherever you got it, or just save a backup on the desktop or something.

Open up whatever css file you want to edit but MAKE SURE you don't close winzip/winrar once you've got the file open in notepad. When you've finished save the changes and close notepad then winzip/winrar should ask you if you want to 'update the archive', so select 'yes', then close winzip/winrar. Drag the icon of the theme you've just edited into the theme browser (make sure it is the theme browser you have up and not extensions or something else) and a box will popup asking if you want to install it, select yes and it should then say 'updating' or something, then it should say 'restart firefox to use theme'. Sometimes you might need to close it and open and select the theme again for it to work.

Good luck!

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