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Stacks Docklet

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Hola Matonga excelente docklet, lo he probado en el rocket dock y funciona perfectamente felicitaciones; solo me ha dado un único problema, no sé si ha alguien más le ha pasado: el acceso general al folder a veces se queda un poco trabado y tarda en abrir el folder, sabrás que puede ser?, saludos!

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At last, I could reproduce the problem:

You are missing this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



I tried removing it, not only now I have your same problem, but the small arrow is still there. So, maybe this is done by the shortcut arrow remover program but doesn't affect it or whatever.

So just try adding a IsShortcut (of type REG_SZ) or copy and paste the code above into a .reg file then double-click it and select yes.

Then check:

If shortcuts now work.

If the small arrow is still not being shown.

I'll check to add a 'Alternative shortcut handling' option to the docklet.

However there's a better way to remove the arrow from the shortcuts if you're using FlyakiteOSX:

Enter C:WindowsFlyakiteOSXResourcesshell32.dll

Replace 30.ico with an empty icon (50.ico seems to be an empty icon, try with that).



Install Tweak UI from Microsoft Power Toys (I think there's both a XP and a Vista version as far as I can recall).

From Tweak UI (which can be found in Control panel) choose on left pane: Explorer, Shortcut. Then choose on right pane: None.

Result: no more arrows on shortcuts, and shortcuts still work as expected in the stacks.


I am having the same problem with stacks where it tells me that "There is no application associated with the given filename." I've tried several things, amongst them reinstalling the docklet, the dock, and now what you have described. Nothing has worked. Could you please help me?

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The updated version fixed the 5 icon issue... now it is working just fine.

I found a little bug... if the dock is dragged after while fan mode is displayed (with "follow the dock" option enabled), then clicking on the dock icon again to hide and respawn the fan again causes it to be redrawn at a position far from the dock's icon. After hidding the fan again an respawn it, the problem goes away an the fan is show at the right position again.

Take a look at the attached image.


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Matonga, I found another subtle issue... if I click & hold down the "shift" key after clicking at the dock's icon (so triggering the animation to spanw or hide the fan), the animation slooooows down a lot. The action is completed with no problems but the animation (to show or hide the fan) takes almost 5 seconds to complete. If during this slow-down of the animation, the "shift" key is released, then the animation stops and the action is completed (either the fan is shown or hidden).

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@matonga: Thanks for the update! Glad to know development is still ongoing.

Matonga, I found another subtle issue... if I click & hold down the "shift" key after clicking at the dock's icon (so triggering the animation to spanw or hide the fan), the animation slooooows down a lot. The action is completed with no problems but the animation (to show or hide the fan) takes almost 5 seconds to complete. If during this slow-down of the animation, the "shift" key is released, then the animation stops and the action is completed (either the fan is shown or hidden).

That's an intentional feature. It's nice if you wanna see how the stack docklet works. :P I don't think this interrupts with the open folder through shift+left click feature, so no worries. :D

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Thank for the info... and you are right, it is nothing that really gets into... just did not know it was intentional.

@matonga: Thanks for the update! Glad to know development is still ongoing.

That's an intentional feature. It's nice if you wanna see how the stack docklet works. :P I don't think this interrupts with the open folder through shift+left click feature, so no worries. :D

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@NighthawkF117, @fedroponce:

I've just uploaded a new version where I'm trying to fix this issue.

I've not such big display, so I'll depend on your screenshots to get it working :)

Try the new version, it should break by less (and a screenshot on the newer versions would help me determine the correct algorithm).

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I am not sure if the mac has this option, but I was wondering if it would be too difficult to add an option to configure the curvature of the fan option. This is, to let it spread to the left or right. (To illustrate what I mean just mirror my previous screen shot).

Thanks again.

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I have a problem - Stacks is a great docklet - Functionality is just what I need... However, whenever I close RocketDock the stacks 'forget' their icons and the folder that they are pointing to. I am on Vista and have RocketDock 1.3.5 - Any ideas what might be causing the lack of permanence? Thanks!

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I was wondering if it would be too difficult to add an option to configure the curvature of the fan option.

Hey dude, nice idea you've !

I've some suggestion for new "options", maybe it's possible to add an option to increase the speed of the animation, more slower or faster. And if it's possible, another option, when we click on a folder, rather than the folder is opened in a new Windows window, maybe the folder can be opened in the stack docklet and show the files contained in.

Excuse if my english is not good, but i'm french so... ;)

ps: thanks for your work, this docklet is really good. I've no problem on Vista (with rocket dock).

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Great Docklet!!! thanks Matonga.

An option to configure the curvature is a very good idea but Matonga speaks about an algorithm so it would be wonderful if there are many parameter to configure to have many and incredible forms (of s or double s or with many curve with a attenuation as a Kris dagger image below). An algorithm as Bézier curve explained clearly on wikipedia


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Well... a few more ideas...

1. What about highlighting the icon element at the fan or grid when the mouse hovers on it... then maybe a zoom, rock or whatever animation effect when the icon is clicked.

2. Change the color of the icon's associated tag when the mouse hovers over a particular icon.

3. Expose the previous options as global options that could be changed by the user. Including the color of the icon's tag and font, the color of the background in the grid, etc.

What do you think?

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I found a problem with de dock when it is positioned in a dock near the left edge of the screen, the fan is shown as in the screenshot. I believe that in those cases, when the window where the icons are drawn is too close to the edge of the screen, the icon labels should be drawn to the right instead of the left. I do not own a Mac, so I am not sure how the Mac solve this issue.


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