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DiscMounter 0.1

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Unfortunately the icon is decided by Windows. DiscMounter does not decide which icon is used. This is shown when a cd is inserted that contains an icon of its own (ie. a drivers disc for my wife's Samsung phone displays the Samsung logo). There isn't anything, that I know of, that can help remedy this situation at this time. I'm apologize for this but it's currently out of my hands.

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This program is a good idea. But the actual program is kinda broken.

The preferences never save because it gives an error for that. It moves icons that are below and above a drive icon around.

It creates two files on the desktop for one drive. One of the files not being anything.

I really dont want to spend the $10 on deskmount... so I hope this program gets better.

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  • 1 month later...

Kinda broken for me as well, if i set the settings it doesn't save, if i close to the taskbar and then double click on the icon i get the error message attached

On top of that if i set it to show hard drives and external devices i get a nice empty file on the desktop called Drive C and it doesn't do anything..

Also if i right click on the program at all i don't get the menu. I really like the concept of the program, but i hate how it works.



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Kinda broken for me as well, if i set the settings it doesn't save, if i close to the taskbar and then double click on the icon i get the error message attached

On top of that if i set it to show hard drives and external devices i get a nice empty file on the desktop called Drive C and it doesn't do anything..

Also if i right click on the program at all i don't get the menu. I really like the concept of the program, but i hate how it works.


That error is a "Drive not ready' error and should be easily fixable. I will try and get a few minutes to do a couple bug fixes in the near future. As for the icon coming up blank, this is not DiscMounter's fault. DiscMounter does not choose which icon is displayed - Windows does.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks and good work ! This app is reallly good :)

A new version will be avaible soon ? maybe with more option, more optimized ?

Edit => I've a problem, i've an external 2"5 hdd in USB, in Preferences i've been activated Removable, but the hdd appear looks like a "Fixed" but if I activate the Fixed option, all of my HDD are added on my desktop.

Can you fix it ?

I think an option where we can choose what drives we need on the desktop, or the reverse, that can be cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On top of that if i set it to show hard drives and external devices i get a nice empty file on the desktop called Drive C and it doesn't do anything


Hey, I found sort of a solution to this same problem. I found that it struggles to make shortcuts on the desktop of drives that don't have drive labels. Flash Memory Cards, Flash Drives, all kinds of things like that. Just adding a simple drive label makes it happy for some reason. Hope this helps.

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Thanks and good work ! This app is reallly good

A new version will be avaible soon ? maybe with more option, more optimized ?

Edit => I've a problem, i've an external 2"5 hdd in USB, in Preferences i've been activated Removable, but the hdd appear looks like a "Fixed" but if I activate the Fixed option, all of my HDD are added on my desktop.

Can you fix it ?

I think an option where we can choose what drives we need on the desktop, or the reverse, that can be cool.

When I release an new update I'll add a drive selector feature to it.

Hey, I found sort of a solution to this same problem. I found that it struggles to make shortcuts on the desktop of drives that don't have drive labels. Flash Memory Cards, Flash Drives, all kinds of things like that. Just adding a simple drive label makes it happy for some reason. Hope this helps.

Ahh, thanks Sage for that bit of information. I haven't had time to check it out but that does seem like that is the most likely problem. I'll have to find some time and add in a check for that.

Thanks again for possibly narrowing down the problem and I'll release an update as soon as I can. :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've taken a look at the coding for DeskDrive and it's basically the same thing I'm doing only without some of the other features - icon saving, cd renaming, etc. Not sure where all the issues you guys are running into are coming from. I see from the comments it's mostly a settings window problem and the icons being moved.

You can turn off the icons moving to the right feature and as for the settings window throwing up errors, I can't really debug for that as I've never encountered that error no matter what I throw at DiscMounter. Sorry, if it doesn't work for some people but that's the way it is sometimes.

I'm glad those of you who have run into problems or simply don't like DiscMounter have found an alternative! :D

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Sranshaft, the problems i was having were mostly with the errors being thrown up all of the time when trying to save settings. It would throw an error and it wouldn't save the settings and that is a big problem. I found an XML file with the settings stored in it and found that i could edit that and make some changes. That fixed the icons from moving to the right. But some of the settings in that file didn't seem to matter. It would still shuffle my icons around on the left side of the screen. I have had these same issues on every computer i have installed it on. I am using Vista x64 and have used it on Vista 32-bit as well. I have given myself full permissions to the folder and run it as an administrator so that i wouldn't have UAC problems, but that didn't seem to help. Another problem that i mentioned some time before was that the icon that appeared on the desktop was broken if the drive you inserted didn't have a drive label. This is common with flash drives, SD cards, etc.

I don't know what the differences in our systems are, but you're right, that's the way it is sometimes.

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