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movieClerk is a free movie cataloging program harnessing the power of SQL Express and Amazon.com* to bring you a lightning fast and robust application.

Keep track of where your movies are at. Whether they be physical discs or playable files on the hard drive, movieClerk can handle them all.

Search your collection in an instant and find what you're looking for without having to ever leave the computer.

Export your collection to a multitude of popular formats and share your collection with others.

Share those hard to find movies with others with Tickets - another exciting feature of movieClerk!

It's all at your fingertips when you use movieClerk!

*.net 2.0 Framework and SQL Server Express are required for this application. Please be sure these are installed before running movieClerk.

While movieClerk is fully functional, I've been using in one form or another for about a year now, it is still in a beta-ish state. Therefore some features may be, and some definitely are, in a state of transition and will not be available or change as I update movieClerk.

As with all my other releases, let me know if you come across any bugs or if you happen to have any ideas on how to make movieClerk better! :)

Download from my site here. Please be kind to my bandwidth though. :P

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Why SQL server is needed ?

I think, if your program, just cataloging our movies we have on our computer and allow us to attach to the .avi file (for exemple) a "cover.jpg" from our computer, without using a SQL or something else, just like the library in WMP 11, or like Picasa but just for movie files, just cataloging our movies we have on our drives.

That can be interesting i think, but you've another project in your head, so i don't think you will do that :(

i ask you, can you do that ? a special version for me :D ? Thank you :)

(excuse my english)

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@iTim: DZGH is correct. You'll need to install SQL Server Express. The link for it is on the website under the 'requirments' section.

@DZGH: Thanks mate! Hope all is working on your end and that you're enjoying it. :D Fixing a few things ou pointed out and I'll try and add some of the stuff you suggested before.

@Tardio: SQL Server is needed because this is what movieClerk uses for its database functions. I'm working on converting movieClerk over to SQLite, which is an embedded database system and won't need a separate download but until then you'll need SQL Server Express in order to use movieClerk.

If all you're after is a catalog for your movies just place them all in the same folder and change the icon for them - no need for a separate program for that. That isn't the purpose of movieClerk. While you can assign hard drive files to movies in movieClerk, movieClerk's designed and created for cataloging details the movies and much more.

As for WMP 11, I believe it uses a built-in version of SQL for its databasing needs. Picasa uses SQLite IIRC as well. This allows for the fastest startup times when it comes to huge collections until iTunes on Windows which uses XML for its database.

I'll see if I have any free time to whip something up but it won't be as flash as movieClerk. movieClerk's taken near on a year now and it's still not 100% complete. :)

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Ok, i see :) Thank you for your answers. I did'nt know WMP and Picasa uses SQL, i will see if i install SQL Server Express, or if i wait your SQLite version... because you've made a really good work...

Thank you again ;)

You think it's possible, instead of using Amzon.com, used Amazon.fr ? i'm French so... :P But it's not a problem.

ps: SQL Express 2005 is compatible with Vista SP1 ? i will search.

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ps: SQL Express 2005 is compatible with Vista SP1 ? i will search.

I'm using Windows Vista and it works fine. You just need to download an update for SQL Express after you have installed it. Simply search with Windows Update for new updates to get it.

@ Sranshaft: Thank you for letting me test this before public release. I really enjoy this app, it's simply beautiful!

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@Tarkio: Of course Amazon.fr is available! In fact all of Amazon's websites are available. Just select the one you want - Amazon France for you - in the "Source" dropdown box when you search. There are also searches available through VideoUniverse.com and DVDEmpire.com. I'm currently working on including Wikipedia.com, IMDB.com and a few others for specific to Australia. These will be added when available to the "Search Online" list.

As for waiting until I switch over to SQLite - might I suggest starting now with SQL Server Express. Everything you add now will be usable with SQLite and it'll be as simple as doing a backup with the SQL Server version and importing the database back into the SQLite version.

@DZGH: It's a pleasure mate! Glad to see you're enjoying it. :D Looking to add a few more things like Matonga's coverflow-esque Flying Cow feature and spicing up the fullscreen media center in the near future! Just starting to learn WPF which will add a bunch of sweet animations.

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I've install SQL Express on my Windows Xp :)

I've also installed the SQL Management to add a command, movieClerk tell me i need this command. (sp_configure'instances' or something like that.)

Now it's ok but i will waiting for a new version without installation of SQL Express to use it on Vista.

It's a really good program and you've do an amazing job.

I've juste a little problème, i can't delete a movie. I don't know why.

We can't add an entire folder ? because add files one by one it's long :D

Edit ==> Viper , i've the same bugs :(

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Just got it installed, and run into a couple of issues (Running Vista Home Premium x64 SP1)

It tells me I need to run sp_configure 'user instances enabled'

It might be worth changing that to the full command which is:

sp_configure 'user instances enabled','1'

in case anyone else gets stuck.

I added a DVD title manually to test it out, and can't delete it. I've gone through the delete process, but I get 'an error occurred deleting 300 from the database'. Also the cover art I added to it by selecting it from DVD Empire doesn't display.

Dates for manually added titles and titles got from Amazon are in different formats. Manually lists date added as 10 July 2008. The ones from the internet are 2008-07-10 19:02

The splash screen stays on top of other windows while the program is starting up, which is really annoying as it takes so long to start sometimes.

How do you get out of full screen mode? Tried using Escape, but had to resort to alt+F4. Also, after exiting full screen mode, the mouse pointer doesn't get drawn when it's over the MovieClerk window.

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@Tarkio: Not sure what you mean by: "We can't add an entire folder?". Are you trying to associate a movie to a folder or are you wanting movieClerk to be able to automatically go through a folder of your choosing, find the movies in the folder, and add them to the database? If it's the second one, I'm afraid unless you have named them specifically with details titles, it'd be difficult. Not so difficult that I'm saying it can't be done but maybe not until all the bugs have been fixed in this version branch.

Maybe in the future I can add that feature in and have it auto-watch a folder for new movies...

@Viper: Not sure why you're getting that SQL error. I've never encountered it. It may be a Vista problem. Which version of SQL Server Express are you using? Does your account have administrative privileges? Shoot me some more info and I'll look into it. :)

The dates you are noticing are specifically done that way. In the database, and in turn in the list view, they will appear as YYYY-MM-DD TT. This allows me to easily sort them. The details info shows them in the long date format simply for aesthetics. I'll need to look at the manually added ones.

I'll change the splash screen from a always-on-top window to a normal one. I originally had it that way but had trouble with it refreshing visually when another window passed over it. I believe I fixed that issue though so it shouldn't be a problem anymore.

I'll also look into the covers being downloaded from DVD Empire. Everything works fine here with it though but I might have missed something. Quick question: Are you running into this problem when you add the movie from DVD Empire or when you try to download the cover using the "Search Internet for Box Art" feature?

There's a keyboard command text file in the program folder - at least there should be. If not, let me know and I'll upload one here. It should include all of the keyboard commands for both the fullscreen view and the normal window view.

The reason the cursor disappeared over movieClerk when you did that is because you forced close the fullscreen view and it wasn't able to turn the cursor back on as it normally would have in the form closing event. Just in case you find yourself in the same spot again, backspace will always take you back to the previous menu. :)

New update with bug fixes should be pushed out later on today / tonight or early tomorrow including fixes for most of those shown here. :D

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@Viper: Not sure why you're getting that SQL error. I've never encountered it. It may be a Vista problem. Which version of SQL Server Express are you using? Does your account have administrative privileges? Shoot me some more info and I'll look into it. :)
Yeah it did mention something to do with Vista, can't remember what though. Using SQL Server Express 2005 (Supposedly 64bit but it installed in program file (x86) so I think it's really 32bit.

The dates you are noticing are specifically done that way. In the database, and in turn in the list view, they will appear as YYYY-MM-DD TT. This allows me to easily sort them. The details info shows them in the long date format simply for aesthetics. I'll need to look at the manually added ones.

I prefer the YYYY-MM-DD TT date format, it was just that there were 2 different formats so it looks odd.

I'll also look into the covers being downloaded from DVD Empire. Everything works fine here with it though but I might have missed something. Quick question: Are you running into this problem when you add the movie from DVD Empire or when you try to download the cover using the "Search Internet for Box Art" feature?

Using "Search Internet for Box Art"

There's a keyboard command text file in the program folder - at least there should be. If not, let me know and I'll upload one here. It should include all of the keyboard commands for both the fullscreen view and the normal window view.

I can't see it there... What's the file called?

The reason the cursor disappeared over movieClerk when you did that is because you forced close the fullscreen view and it wasn't able to turn the cursor back on as it normally would have in the form closing event. Just in case you find yourself in the same spot again, backspace will always take you back to the previous menu. :)

Thanks :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also getting an error trying to delete movies off the list.

it just says "An error has occurred while deleting Chicken Run from the database." at the bottom. I also can't grab the video cover for that movie and a few others either even if i search interent for box art.

I have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Express Edition 9.2.304.2.00) installed. I am using winxp with sp3. And the user account is set to administrator.

note all the movies were entered using browse online> dvd empire

also i am getting an error when it checks for updates.

The remote server returned an error (404) Not Found

I have the check for update on start turned off. To stop the message from poping up.

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Aye, the server is playing up on me - damn Australian ISPs...trying to get it sorted out.

I noticed the problem when trying to delete movies that don't have covers associated with them. This is what is causing the errors. If you can't find a cover through movieClerk, or it doesn't seem to download - refreshing the shelf should fix this - you can manually search for one and drag / drop the image straight from the browser into movieClerk. Just drop it on the dvd for the movie (in Shelf view) or the row (in List view). Or download the cover image to the desktop and drag the file into the window. movieClerk will do the rest.

That will be fixed in the next update as well as many improvements to the online search engines - IMDb, Video Universe, Video Ezy (Australian). I've also included a few new search engines and am taking suggestions for future ones. They must include most if not all of the information movieClerk keeps a record of. If it includes the American UPC that's even better.

Thankyou very much d-shade! If all else fails I'll upload the file to a temp file-sharing host if I can't get up back up soon.

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