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Hello Matonga,

You are doing an amazing job at improving WinExposé and I thank you very much for your generosity. This must take up a considerable amount of your free time, so offering such a fine free app to the web community is definitely praiseworthy.

WinExposé in its latest release works pretty well already. It sometimes fails to respond upon placing the mouse pointer in the corners, but considerably less since I activated hardware acceleration. I do have a display problem which may well be caused by the very limitation of my configuration. Some of the minimized windows are displayed blank when I open more than four or five of them. They can still be maximized again when I click on them. I run WinExposé on a laptop with a bit more than 1 Gb of RAM, an integrated graphic accelerator, Win XP SP3. Is it my configuration or have you observed a similar behaviour on other computers?

Thank you for your attention and help

Display problem1.bmp

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Hello Matonga,

You are doing an amazing job at improving WinExposé and I thank you very much for your generosity. This must take up a considerable amount of your free time, so offering such a fine free app to the web community is definitely praiseworthy.

WinExposé in its latest release works pretty well already. It sometimes fails to respond upon placing the mouse pointer in the corners, but considerably less since I activated hardware acceleration. I do have a display problem which may well be caused by the very limitation of my configuration. Some of the minimized windows are displayed blank when I open more than four or five of them. They can still be maximized again when I click on them. I run WinExposé on a laptop with a bit more than 1 Gb of RAM, an integrated graphic accelerator, Win XP SP3. Is it my configuration or have you observed a similar behaviour on other computers?

Thank you for your attention and help

You should check your BIOS settings in order to know how much of that RAM is assigned to the video board.

Then you can perform these calculations:

- Get screen width and height (for example let's suppose you have a 1680x1050 screen).

- Now get the bigger number (in such case it would be 1680).

- Now get the nearest bigger power of 2 (in such case 2048).

- Now make that number by itself (2048 x 2048 = 4194304)

- Now multiply the last number by 4 (in this case it results 16777216).

The number you obtain at last, is the quantity of RAM consumed by your video board for each fullscreen window.

So, for your case of 8 fullscreen windows and assuming you have a 1680 x 1050 screen resolution, you get 8 times that:

16777216 x 8 = 134217728 bytes = 128 MBytes

So you'd need a video board with 256 MBytes of video memory.

This is too much for a notebook, so what you can do is go to WinExposé settings and lower the texture size to Half size (which would require 64 MBytes of video memory) or Quarter size (which would require 16 MBytes of video memory). Of course the more you reduce the textures, the uglier the effect will look, but you may find the Half size settings is OK for most cases.

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i dont know if this hase been posted before but my desktop goes black not dimmed other wise greate program im using windows vista

The same for me, unfortunately.

System: Windows XP Sp3 + Window Blinds

And one more bug: My Exception List is not being safed...

And one more suggestion: I hate those Tray Icons (and I'm not alone on this one :-). Maybe you include an option to make it hideable?

And one more question: Where is the program saving its options. It would be nice to save it in a config file, for portable reasons.

Btw: This is a great program, I admire your work and take a bow before that

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Hello Matonga,

You are doing an amazing job at improving WinExposé and I thank you very much for your generosity. This must take up a considerable amount of your free time, so offering such a fine free app to the web community is definitely praiseworthy.

WinExposé in its latest release works pretty well already. It sometimes fails to respond upon placing the mouse pointer in the corners, but considerably less since I activated hardware acceleration. I do have a display problem which may well be caused by the very limitation of my configuration. Some of the minimized windows are displayed blank when I open more than four or five of them. They can still be maximized again when I click on them. I run WinExposé on a laptop with a bit more than 1 Gb of RAM, an integrated graphic accelerator, Win XP SP3. Is it my configuration or have you observed a similar behaviour on other computers?

Thank you for your attention and help

I am having that same problems along with blank labels with mouseover

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You should check your BIOS settings in order to know how much of that RAM is assigned to the video board.

Then you can perform these calculations:

- Get screen width and height (for example let's suppose you have a 1680x1050 screen).

- Now get the bigger number (in such case it would be 1680).

- Now get the nearest bigger power of 2 (in such case 2048).

- Now make that number by itself (2048 x 2048 = 4194304)

- Now multiply the last number by 4 (in this case it results 16777216).

The number you obtain at last, is the quantity of RAM consumed by your video board for each fullscreen window.

So, for your case of 8 fullscreen windows and assuming you have a 1680 x 1050 screen resolution, you get 8 times that:

16777216 x 8 = 134217728 bytes = 128 MBytes

So you'd need a video board with 256 MBytes of video memory.

This is too much for a notebook, so what you can do is go to WinExposé settings and lower the texture size to Half size (which would require 64 MBytes of video memory) or Quarter size (which would require 16 MBytes of video memory). Of course the more you reduce the textures, the uglier the effect will look, but you may find the Half size settings is OK for most cases.

Thank you Matonga for taking the time to provide us with these detailed and useful indications. I'll try to lower the size of the texture within WinExposé for a start and see if I experience the same problem. If so, I will adjust the memory in the BIOS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
And one more bug: My Exception List is not being safed...

And one more question: Where is the program saving its options. It would be nice to save it in a config file, for portable reasons.

This was one of the bugs in my bug hunt: ;)
- Exceptions were previously stored in HKLM, but now in HKCU, whereas the Settings window still looks for them in HKLM, making you lose all your Exceptions every time you change a setting;
As a work around you can:

- save all your exceptions in one go;

- then go with the Registry Editor to "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREWinExposeExceptions";

- export this section;

- and copy the settings to the new section "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWinExposeExceptions".

Now your exceptions are being saved, but every time you change, add or remove an exception, you should do the same in that second (HKLM) registry section. The other settings can be found in: "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREWinExpose".

Freddy :)

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This was one of the bugs in my bug hunt: ;)

As a work around you can:

- save all your exceptions in one go;

- then go with the Registry Editor to "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREWinExposeExceptions";

- export this section;

- and copy the settings to the new section "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWinExposeExceptions".

Now your exceptions are being saved, but every time you change, add or remove an exception, you should do the same in that second (HKLM) registry section. The other settings can be found in: "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREWinExpose".

Freddy :)

thx man, nice trick

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Matonga! First off, I can't thank you enough for the apps you've made. They're incredible!

I noticed a bug when I was using this on XP SP2.

I'm pretty sure its only IE7 related. See when I did the expose, all my IE7 bars would be ok, until I actually clicked a link in the webpage. Then when I would expose them again the screenshot would be black with only the top most part of the website showing. I tried doing this again and giving it some time to take a screenshot but no dice. I also tried updating the whole time but it simply flashed a good bit.

So I simply switched to Firefox and now I have no problems at all. I just wanted to let you know. I know that you aren't developing it anymore, but what the heck just thought I'd throw it out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
It´s possible to hide the other "Photoshop" windows and only show the main-window?

Yes, just add those windows' captions (the caption in the titlebar) to the Exceptions list.

I'm not sure if Adobe shows you the titlebar on those windows, if it doesn't then tell me and I'll write a program so you can figure out (and then tell me their captions so I can add them into exceptions list of future releases ;)

Hi, great program. One question, how come my desktop doesn't appear at all in the background, not even dimmed? it is just all black or white-ish depending on brightness obviously. Thanks

What is your wallpaper size? (for e.g. 4096 x 3712 pixels... see properties of the wallpaper picture)

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Yes, just add those windows' captions (the caption in the titlebar) to the Exceptions list.

I'm not sure if Adobe shows you the titlebar on those windows, if it doesn't then tell me and I'll write a program so you can figure out (and then tell me their captions so I can add them into exceptions list of future releases ;)

Yes, Adobe don´t show the titlebar on these windows:


But the little program would be a good thing :)

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I have a messed up graphics card (I have 2 different versions or something) so I was testing the different settings (directX, open Gl etc)and then it crashed on me when I tried the last setting. But every time I run winexpose, it still crashes.

So I need to know where the settings are stored so I can delete it.

EDIT: I searched the registry for "expose" and changed opengl to directx and that actually worked! But isn't there still a settings file somewhere?

Also, the "exceptions" don't work for me. Whatever I put goes away right after I close the preferences window.

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Settings are stored into:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWinExpose or Expose, can't remember.

However exceptions are stored into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoft...... which Vista ignores. Are you using Vista? BTW I should solve this bug in some elegant way (like storing exceptions into HKEY_CURRENT_USER).

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Settings are stored into:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWinExpose or Expose, can't remember.

However exceptions are stored into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoft...... which Vista ignores. Are you using Vista? BTW I should solve this bug in some elegant way (like storing exceptions into HKEY_CURRENT_USER).

No, I'm using windows xp sp2 and my graphics card is the NVDIA Geforce FX Go5600 and the drivers aren't on the nvidia site so I had to download then from some random site.

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Are you using an administrator account or a limited user account?

WinExposé fails to save exception settings in the later case.

About your nVidia... did you try searching the archived nVidia drivers?


Product Type: GeForce

Product Series: GeForce 5 FX Series

Product: GeForce FX 5600

In the search results you'll find the ForceWare Release 90 drivers, which I bet will work for sure.

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Are you using an administrator account or a limited user account?

WinExposé fails to save exception settings in the later case.

About your nVidia... did you try searching the archived nVidia drivers?


Product Type: GeForce

Product Series: GeForce 5 FX Series

Product: GeForce FX 5600

In the search results you'll find the ForceWare Release 90 drivers, which I bet will work for sure.

First of all, admin rights and everything. And second, thanks for the tip on "ForceWare Release 90" drivers. I'm going to try it out and see if it works.

EDIT: I downloaded 2 different drivers and they both didn't work.

The error I get is: The NVIDIA Setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware. Setup will now exit.

EDIT2: I downloaded some driver (s522vidx_guru3d.exe) and everything is working now but how would I know if I have the lateset version of the driver? Right now I have version Also the driver date is 4/11/2003

When I googled "s522vidx_guru3d.exe" there was 1 result which is http://ftpsearch.archive.sunet.se:8000/ftp...guru3d%2Fnvidia which looks like a page with a bunch of nvidia drivers

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