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[release] Itunes 4 For Windows Media Player 9

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Originally posted by Stevie BM@Sep 18 2003, 11:49 AM

Could you load the debug version up, and tell me the first status message that it shows before you do anything...  That's the one I'm interested in.  If I can get that (or, more likely, those), I can probably solve the problems...

It says: Status: Setting view mode succeeded

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i have downloaded the latest debug version and the message i get is "Status: Loading Playlist Collection" i still hve the white boxes and they still alternate from brushed to white depending on mouse click. i mentioned earlier that i had a lot of mp3s i have roughly...800 cds totalling 40 gigs all with proper genra, artist, and such. i don't mean to be a bother and really do appreciate what you have already done. if i can do anything to help you toruble shoot this let me know. i have camtasia and can do video sceen captuers if those would help you see how it's responding.

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Originally posted by hispanicboy@Sep 18 2003, 01:26 PM

what the heck i have nothing else to do... i went ahead and did a video capture to show you what's happening :) you can view it here:


let me know if i can do anything else.  i really appreciate all the work you are putting forth.

I know that's what you're seeing, from the status message you posted... ;)

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Broken source/browse panes solution

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, my fellow Aqua-Softians, I have a solution, of sorts...

After much investigation, with the help of Tobbz, I've discovered that the reason that the browse and source panes aren't being populated is that you have some broken playlists in WMP...

The solution for this is as follows:

  • Go to WMP Full Mode
  • Select the Media Library tab
  • Select "My Playlists", and delete all playlists in there
  • Select Auto Playlists, and delete all the playlists in there.
  • Problem solved.

If you want to mess about trying to find which of your playlists are broken, then by all means do, but this is the quick and dirty solution.

In short, my skin tries to read the names of all your playlists, so that it can add them to the source pane, and if you have a broken playlist, this fails, and stops the rest of the playlist loading correctly.

I knew my code was OK! :D


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Originally posted by FatAxl@Sep 18 2003, 02:15 PM

I still have a problem of when I click on the Playlist side, in the white area, everything in the list disappears.  I don't have a ny playlists at all, I deleated all of them, but the problem still persists.  The debug skin says nothing.    Thanks for any help.

FatAxl :own:

I know you do. Everyone does. Microsoft do.

Basically (as I've said on numerous occasions both in this thread and in the preview thread), there's a problem with the Windows Media Player listboxes whereby if you click on an area of the box with no entries, the box disappears. Microsoft are aware of the problem and have told me that they don't intend to fix this problem until the next major release of Windows Media Player (read: the one in Longhorn), if they fix it at all...

I could write an inelegant fix for this, but it would take about 3 days to write, let alone test... I, however, don't see the need for this, when there's a perfectly good solution available already: Don't click in empty areas of the listboxes.

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