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October 2004 Screenshots Thread


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My new desktop, now enhanced with Rainlendar.




-- Pearl Drives by Globox

-- Lutetium by esXXI

-- Various Mac Extracts found at Stylesuites.com


-- Blue Bridge by FilthGrinder

Visual Style:

-- Sunken Aqua Milk by Fsusumu

Firefox 1.0 PR:

-- SAFARI by hills


-- Milk Aqua Mod by me (based from Manyk's Aqua)

Avedesk 1.1:

-- iTunes Compact Milk Mod by me (based from bzeitler's iTunes Compact)

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Yep! My first year of two at Metro High School, which has had IB for three years now.

Our school only has about 300 kids, so our course selection is limited; I'm stuck with "Math Studies" (um... Statistics) and IB Art (I'm much better in music).

Awesome how two worlds meet through academics (and Aqua-Soft :D)


Was Theory of Knowledge (TOK) standard when you got your diploma?


Wow!!! That is what I was hoping. Searching now!

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Nothing like paying 50,000 $USD so you can go get your 35,000 dollar a year job.

Flush school, it's for the broke, and flush J.O.B's. Work 40 hours a week for 50 years for someone elses dream so you can retire on 15% of what you made.

Yeah right. A students get slapped and end up teachers and B students end up working for C students.

I'm a drop out, with a GED and no college, I own my own business in internet promotions and marketing. I have 4 guys working for me, and I sleep till 10am. I'm also 22 yrs of age.

I have a good mentor though, he's also an business owner, guy sleeps till 10am every day and makes 50,000 dollars a month.

Besides, there are no tax breaks for EMPLOYEE's. The United States is the only nation in the world were we don't teach our youth it's own system of economic's. You can go pay some loser to teach you a theory of how to run a multi-million dollar business, or you can go learn from someone who does it.

Schools are a joke to a point. Learning to be a doctor, well you need schooling, learning to be an accountant, geez, what the hell are you doing with your life? Oh well, someone has to cut my lawn.

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